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谢谢观赏 WPS Office Make Presentation much more fun @WPS官方微博 @kingsoftwps lesson 143 A walk through the woods 林中漫步 surround 包围 A myriad of stars surround the moon. 众星拱月。 Trees surround the pond. 树木围绕着池塘. A last possibility was that she wanted to surround him with luxuries. 最后一种可能,就是她想用舒适享乐的生活把他给圈 wood A cottage gleamed in the wood. 树林中有座农舍隐约可见。 All wood is not hard ; some wood is soft. 木头不一定都硬;有些木头是软的。 Cleaning exposed the grain of wood. 清洁使木纹显现可见。 It is a famous beauty spot. 这是一个著名的风景胜地。 a beauty spot; (Am.) a beauty mark 美人痣 They are rather out of distance from the beauty spot. 他们住的地方离风景区相当远。 hundred 百 For over nine hundred years the sea has defended Britain from invasion. 九百多年来大海保卫了英国,使其不受侵犯。 How can I stump a hundred acres more? “叫我怎么样再去开辟一百亩地? city 城市 Beijing is a representative Chinese city. 北京是一个典型的中国城市。 Few teenagers in our city use drugs. 我们城市极少有青少年吸毒。 Eventually, the city government had given him a ten-day deadline. 结果,市政府给他十天的期限。 through 穿过 Have you got through? 电话接通了吗? If youll hold on a minute Ill put you through. 您稍等,我给您接通。 visitor参观者 leave an impession on the visitor 给参观者留下印象 She is an unwelcome visitor. 她是不受欢迎的来客。 A visitor was announced. 通报有客来。 The foreign visitor was marshaled into the presence of the minister. 那位外国客人被领到部长面前。 tidy整洁的 Her normally unruly hair was more or less tidy today. 她一向散乱的头发今天多少梳理得整齐些 I must tidy myself up. it makes myself look tidy. 我得梳理一下. litter 杂乱的东西 Please do not leave litter. 请勿乱扔垃圾. He disliked the litter of human dwellings ?[dwel??]. 他不喜欢住处搞得乱七八糟。 place放 Take place is a common collocation. ‘Take place’是个常见的连语 roam from place to place 从一处漫游到另一处 throw 扔 Ill just throw together a quick supper. 我马上做一顿简便的晚餐吧. An experienced old sailor crew throw their soul into the oars. 一位有经验的老水手全神贯注地摇浆。 Dont try to throw weight around. It wont work with me. 你这一套对我行不通。


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