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microRNA microRNA(miRNA) 长度20~24nt单链小分子RNA 广泛存在于各种真核细胞中 不编码任何蛋白质 其基因常位于基因组非编码区 内源性表达,表达具时序性和组织特异性。 与目标基因mRNA相互作用,调控其表达水平 在细胞生长、发育、分化、死亡等生物过程中起着重要的作用 ~22 nt 单链小RNA 与目标基因3’端非编码区的识别位点相结合 导致目标基因mRNA分子稳定性下降,半衰期变短,或mRNA分子结构变化(5‘脱帽),从而表达水平下降 microRNA 的来源 miRNA前体与成熟体 靶点识别–不严格互补配对 miRNA 与 siRNA的异同 分子形式无区别,都是由Dicer产生的~22nt小分子 分子功能近似,都导致目标基因表达水平下降。但通常siRNA效果更剧烈 产生来源不同。 miRNA有其基因,内源性表达 siRNA多数情况下为人工外源导入 miRNA siRNA microRNA成熟体 命名规则–成熟体 传统名字:如let7 家族成员:加a,b, c…后缀,如let-7a 主要产物:种名-miR-序号,如,has-miR-56 次要产物:加星号后缀,如, has-miR-56* 主次不明:以5’或3’端区分,如,miR-142-5p (5‘ 端产物) 和 miR-142-3p (3’端产物arm) (老命名miR-142-s and miR-142-as. ) miRNA分子功能总结 以非严格互补配对方式识别靶基因3’端非翻译区,只有~8nt的种子区(seed region)严格互补配对 一种miRNA分子可以不同威力调控多个靶基因,通常导致靶基因mRNA稳定性降低及其它翻译水平的表达下降(如,脱帽)。通常不导致mRNA剧烈降解 有个别报告 miRNAs与5‘端非翻译区结合导致靶基因上调表达 在植物中miRNA的分子功能可与siRNA相似,与目标靶点严格互补配对,导致目标基因mRNA分子急剧降解 权威数据库 miRBase miRNA annotation A uniform system for microRNA annotation. Ambros V, Bartel B, Bartel DP, Burge CB, Carrington JC, Chen X, Dreyfuss G, Eddy SR, Griffiths-Jones S, Marshall M, Matzke M, Ruvkun G, Tuschl T. RNA 2003 9(3):277-279 Expression criteria A. Detection of a distinct ~22-nt RNA transcript by hybridization to a size-fractionated RNA sample (ordinarily by the Northern blotting method). B. Identification of the ~22-nt sequence in a library of cDNAs made from size-fractionated RNA. Such sequences must precisely match the genomic sequence of the organism from which they were cloned (except as noted below). Biogenesis criteria C. Prediction of a potential fold-back precursor structure that contains the ~22-nt miRNA sequence within one arm of the hairpin. In this criterion, the hairpin must be the folding alternative with the lowest free energy, as predicted by mfold (Mathews et al. 1999) or another conventional RNA-folding program, and must include at least 16 bp involving the first 22 nt of the miRNA and the other arm of the hairpin. It should not contain large internal loops or bulges, particu


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