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毕业设计(论文)题目: 掌上迎新系统的设计与实现 学 院: 数学科学学院 专 业: 信息与计算科学 届 别: 2014 学 号: 1021121033 姓 名: 张 指导老师: 指导老师职称: 副教授 华侨大学教务处印制 2014年5月掌上迎新系统的设计与实现摘要移动互联网的快速发展使得各种移动智能终端走进人们的生活,相比于传统桌面设备,人们更加青睐于移动智能终端带来的方便快捷,这对高校迎新提出了新的诉求。目前,高校“数字迎新”建设已经有了很大的发展,但主要依托于校园网为师生提供服务,人们获取信息的方式相对被动,在移动互联网飞速发展的趋势中,传统信息系统向移动智能终端延伸是学校信息化的必然趋势。华侨大学掌上迎新系统是将校园迎新系统延伸到移动终端,在保障信息安全的同时,为新生提供班级圈交流、校园地理信息服务等,本文主要研究了建立移动校园迎新系统的方式和方法,并通过整合高校现有迎新网站,开发了移动校园迎新系统,为广大新生、家长提供了随时随地访问学校信息资源的可能。关键字:移动互联网 移动校园迎新 地理信息服务 百度地图 异步传输 The Design and implementation of mobile campus orientation systemAbstractThe rapid development of mobile Internet makes all kinds of smart mobile devices into peoples lives, At the forefront of the information age college students naturally prefer the mobile intelligent terminal brings convenience . In this context, The Informatization of university has new demands. Currently, universities Digital orientation construction has made ??great progress , but it mainly relies on the campus network to provide services to students and teachers. The way people obtain information relative to passive. In the trend of rapid development of mobile Internet, traditional information systems is extended to the mobile intelligent terminal inevitable trend of school information. The pocket orientation system of HuaQiao University put the campus orientation extended to the mobile terminal system, it is while ensuring information security, providing for the freshman class ring exchange, campus geographic information services. This paper studies the ways and means to establish a mobile campus orientation system. And through the integration of existing universities orientation site developed mobile campus orientation system. For the majority of new students, parents, the school offers the possibility to access information resources anytime, anywhere.Key words:Mobile Internet , Mobile Geographic Information Services , c Baidu Maps , Asynchronous transfer目录第一章 绪论11.1问题的提出11.2课题的研究现状11.3课题的意义31.


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