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热电厂灰库系统重锤料位计的性能优化 刘昌麟 (金川集团公司自动化工程公司,甘肃 金昌,737102) 摘要:料位计是电厂灰库系统中的关键设备之一,其作用是安装在灰库顶上、用于测试灰库中粉煤灰的位置,在粉煤灰尘充满灰库之前给DCS系统一个反馈信号,要求启动清灰程序。本文介绍了重锤料位计在金川公司热电公司发电厂灰库系统中的应用及其存在的问题,然后根据重锤料位计的结构和工作原理及特点,结合现场情况制定方案对料位计进行了性能优化。优化后的重锤料位计外露线路腐蚀小,锤头下降自由准确,避免了埋锤和断锤、线路断路等重锤料位计工作的弱点情形,大大提高了料位检测的准确性,减少了维修工作量。 关键词:重锤料位计,热电厂粉煤灰,灰库系统,性能优化 The Performance Improvement of the Hammer Level Meter In the Ash Silo System of the Thermal Power Plant Changlin Liu (The Automation Engineering Company, Jinchuan Group Co. Ltd., Jinchang, 737102, P.R. China) Abstract: The level meters are among the key equipments in the ash silo systems of power plants. Their function is to be amounted above the roofs of the ash silo and monitor the level of the flash ash, and give a warning signal before the flash ash filled full of the ash silo. This article introduced the utilization and problems of the hammer level meter in the ash silo system of the thermal power plant attached to Jinchuan Group Co. Ltd. Then the project group worked out the performance improving proposal of the hammer level meter according to its structure and functioning principle, and the actual field conditions. After the realization of the proposal, the detection accuracy of the hammer level is improved remarkably, and the corrosion to the exposed wires is decreased. The hammer head falls freely and accurately. The chances of the hammer-burying,hammer-breaking and open circuit declines greatly. And in turn the service labor is notably reduced. Key Words: hammer level meter,flash ash in thermal power plant,Ash Silo System,improvement in performance 引 言 工业自动化仪表发展重点是基于现场总线技术的主控系统装置及智能化仪表、特种和专用自动化仪表。仪器仪表发展的总趋势是数字化、智能化、高精度化、网络化、开放化。然而,任何先进的仪表都依赖于现场的实际工况,若不能满足实际工艺要求和现场环境的要求,再先进的仪表在实际的使用中都是无效的。比如热电厂的粉煤灰灰库系统,采用重锤料位计来监测粉煤灰的料位是近十几年才逐渐兴起的一种先进控制手段。然而在金川公司热电公司发电厂灰库使用重锤料位计的过程中,实际工艺、现场环境的影响导致料位计不能正常工作、检修频繁甚至影响电厂的正常生产。本文根据重锤料位计的测量原理及其在灰库系统的作用对已有的重锤料位计进行了性能优化改造,克服了原有安装工艺引起的对重锤料位计部件的腐蚀和工作的阻碍,大大提高了料位计的性


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