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相变特点 相变过程中可以放出或吸收大量的热量; 相变过程中,温度变化与否取决于该过程的压力是否变化,当压力不变时,温度也不变。 对比:潜热的数值比显热大 3.2 理想气体 本节学习目的: 理想气体状态方程 比热容 热力学能 焓及熵的计算 3.2.1理想气体状态方程 模型假定: 1) 理想气体分子为弹性小球且不占居体积的质点; 2)分子之间无作用力,分子两次碰撞之间为直线运动, 碰撞过程为弹性碰撞且无能量损失 注意点 理想气体是一种实际上并不存在的假象气体 当气体状态处于温度比较高、压力比较低的范围内时,气体一般可以处理成为理想气体 不符合上述假设的气体称为实际气体 实际气体特点: 1)临界温度较高 2)内聚力较大 实际气体状态参数间的关系繁杂 1)理想气体压强(压力) 微观热力学分析方法 气体的压力(压强) 力的定义:ΔFi=Δpi /Δt 大量分子对壁面产生的平均效果是均匀而持续的压力 Δpi=ΔFi/ΔA=ni m vix2 例题3.1:已知体积为0.03m3的钢瓶内装有氧气,初始压力p1=7×105Pa,温度t1=20℃。因泄漏,后压力降至p2=4.9×105Pa ,温度未变。问漏去多少氧气? 解:取钢瓶的容积为系统(控制容积),泄漏过程看成是一个相当缓慢的过程,以至于过程中钢瓶中气体于外界之间有充分的传热,使之温度不变。初终态均已知。假定瓶内氧气为理想气体 例题3.2:已知空气在下表所列的温度和压力下测得的比体积,试用理想气体状态方程计算表中给定条件下的比体积。 3.4.2 定容比热容和定压比热容 3.4.2 定容比热容和定压比热容(续) 3.4.4 定值比热容数据 例题3.3 续 * * Example 2.3: A gas within a piston-cylinder device is compressed at a constant pressure of 0.5MPa from 1000 to 400cm3. The frictional force at the piston-cylinder interface is 200N, the piston surface area is 100cm3, and the atmospheric pressure is 0.1MPa. Determine the work transferred by the piston to the gas and the work supplied by the connecting rod. Solution: Given: a gas is compressed in a piston-cylinder device, with friction occurring at piston-cylinder interface. The systems of interest and known data are shown in the fig. right. Find: Wcom , Wrod Model: Quasi-equilibrium expansion frictional force and atmospheric pressure are constant. Closed system. Strategy: according the definition of work to evaluate the work transfer by the piston. Analysis: 1)compressing work of gas ; 2)work supplied by the rod. 1) compressing work of gas as definition: The work transferred direction is into the system 2)work supplied by the rod as definition of forces equilibrium: Rearrangement as: Work: The work transferred to gas is -300 J, the work transferred from atmosphere is 60 J, and the work against friction is -12 J. Comments: 1) the work transferred of 252 J is supplied by the piston rod. 2)wihout any friction


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