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天气状况 气候种类 山地气候:mountain climate 季风气候:monsoon climate 高原气候:plateau climate 极地气候:polar climate 温带沙漠气候:temperate desert climate 热带季风气候:tropical monsoon climate 高地气候:highland climate 湿润气候:humid climate 热带雨林气候:tropical rainy climate 冬季季风气候:winter monsoon climate 亚热带气候:sub-tropical climate 热带气候 tropical climate 温带干燥气候: temperate arid climate 大陆气候: continental climate 沿海气候: costal climate 海洋气候: marine climate 温带气候: temperate climate 热带海洋气候: tropical marine climate 天气有关的谚语 1.Save for a rainy day 未雨绸缪 例句:We save money for a rainy day. 2.It never rains but it pours 不雨则以,一雨惊人 例句:I just got sacked and my wife left me!So it never rains but it pours! 3.right as rain 身体健康,一切正常 例句:I was sick,but now I feel as right as rain. 4.rain or shine 不论雨晴、不论发生什么事情 例句: I know you are my best friend, rain or shine. 我知道你在任何情况下都是我最好的朋友。 5.It rains cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 例句:It’s raining cats and dogs. 6.head in the cloud 不切实际,好高骛远 例句:You cant always have your head in the cloud,you need to be down-to-earth. 7.fair-weather friend 泛泛之交 例句:A true friend is the one who shows up when you are in trouble, a fair-weather friend is the one who shows up when you are in happiness. The weather Weather snow rain fog wind cloud sun cloudy rainy snowy windy sunny foggy cloud shower centigrade degree temperature freezing snowy 云 阵雨 摄氏温度 度数 温度 冰冻的,严寒的 下雪的 晴朗: Clear/fair 小阵雨: Light rain shower 毛毛雨: Drizzle 大雨; Heavy rain 阵雪: Few snow shower 小降雪 Light snow fall/shower 局部雷雨 Isolated T-storm 飘雪: Drifting snow 局部多云 Partly cloudy 阵雨时有风: Showers/wind 雾: Fog 薄雾: Haze/mist 雾霾: Smog 雷暴雨: T-storm Can you say? sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy 1 2 3 4 5 Can you read? -7℃ ~ 1℃ 5℃ ~ 8℃ between minus seven and plus one degrees between five and eight degrees stormy 5~8oC How’s the weather in…? What’s the temperature? windy -1~14oC cloudy -7~1oC -1~ 4 ℃ Activity 8.Look at the correct information in the table in Activity 2.Give the correct weather forecast for China. What’s the weather l