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国民生产总值: GNP (gross national product) 国内生产总值: GDP (gross domestic product) 人均国民生产总值 per capita GNP 消费者物价指数: CPI (consumer price index) 倍数+形容词/副词的比较级+THAN A body of given mass would weigh 6 times less on the moon than on the earth. 倍数+AS+A./AD.+ AS This substance reacts 3 times as fast as the other one. 倍数+名词 The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. V.+百分比或倍数 The personal income rose 1.1% last month. The automatic assembly line can shorten 10 times the assembly period. V. +TO +NUM Last year our profit rose to $21 million. V.+BY+NUM/百分比/倍数 Grain cultivation has shrunk by 780,000 hectares nationwide in 1999. Double/treble/quadruple+n. They decided to double their investment. We trebled our output. Up+百分比+from+time The city invested 3.5 billion yuan in the real estate sector during the period, up 10.8 per cent from the same period of last year. Investment in the residential housing sector amounted to 7.08 billion yuan, up 41.4 per cent from a year ago. 汉语“增加了几倍”(英语N+1表示) 如:过去20年中,中国国内生产总值增长了近五倍。 In the past 20 years, China’ s GDP increased nearly six times. 同1997年相比,1998年工业排污减少了11.6%,家庭排污增加了2.6%。 Compared with 1997, the discharge of industrial wastewater dropped by 11.6%, while that of domestic sewage rose by 2.6 percent in 1998. REAL PRACTICE 改革开放政策:policy of revolution and opening 进出口总额:total import and export trade volume 国家外汇储备:the state foreign exchange reserves 小康社会:well off society / moderately prosperous society 国民生产总值:GNP 国内生产总值:GDP 人均国内生产总值:per capita GDP 新中国建立以来,特别是1978年邓小平先生提倡的改革开放政策以来,中国发生了前所未有的深刻变革。从1978年到2004年的26年间,中国国内生产总值从1473亿美元增长到16494亿美元,年均增长9.4%。进出口总额从206亿美元增加到11548亿美元,年均增长超过16%。国家外汇储备从1.67亿美元增长到6099亿美元。农村贫困人口从2.5亿减少到2600万。中国的综合国力显著增强,人民生活不断改善。中国已经明确了本世纪头20年的奋斗目标,这就是紧紧抓住重要战略机遇,全面建设惠及十几亿人口的小康社会。到2020年,实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到四万亿美元,人均国内生产总值达到3000美元左右。 FIGURES INTERPRETING ELEMENTS OF REMEMBERING FIGURES 1. mathematical value of figure (basic value) 0.08, 235.18, ?, 17%, 37‰, 1/500 000, 7成 2. units us dollars, pounds, euro, yuan… 3. w


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