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* Factor Xa, Factor Va, calcium ions, and phospholipid membrane combine to form the prothrombinase complex. A single prothrombinase complex converts many molecules of prothrombin (Factor II) to thrombin (Factor IIa). * Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin involves the cleavage by thrombin of peptide bonds, causing the release of fibrinopeptides A and B. * Platelets adhere to areas of denuded endothelium, forming a monolayer. The platelet GP Ia/IIa receptor binds subendothelial collagen whereas the GP Ib/IX receptor binds von Willebrand factor. * Platelets “filling” the defect caused by endothelial denudation. * 25 * * * 依据定义,所有低分子肝素都是有普通肝素制得的分子量低于其来源得化合物。市售的LMWH,除一种由酶法,都是经化学方法解聚而来。 表中可见不同LMWH的制备方法。 这些化合物都是有不同长度的氨基葡聚糖的链混合而成。但是,由于制备方法的差异,他们的物理化学特性,如平均分子量,链的分子量分布,和链末端的结构都不相同。 除栓复欣外(牛肝素,较多过敏发生),绝大多数LMWH由猪肝素制得。 有报道指出,不同动物来源的肝素其致副作用特性不同,尤其在导致血小板减少症方面(HIT)。 * In addition to differences in mean molecular weight of the chains of GAG, LMWH exhibit different molecular weight distribution of these chains as presented in Figure 2. As we will discuss later these differences in mean molecular weight and molecular weight distribution are associated with differences in biological activities, similarly to the differences that exist between unfractionated heparin and any LMWH * * * FRAXIS对速避凝和赛诺菲来说都不是一个有利的研究。 Dr. Leizorovicz代表FRAXIS研究组在1999年ESC上发表了全部结果。其结论最为令人关注和惊讶。在14天三重复合终点 (研究的主要终点)各治疗组的疗效相似。三个治疗组为5天静脉普通肝素组;和两个治疗方案,即6或14天的速避凝组 (静脉推注,而后皮下注射87 units/kg/BID)。 对于延长的14天治疗组,Dr. Leizorovicz的结论是:相对于6天组没有附加的临床收益,而且大的出血的风险增加了。 * 相反,对于FRAXIS研究,两个介绍者和听众都表现出明显的失望。 介绍结束后的问题集中在两个研究中的肝素治疗组,特别是在FRAXIS中普通肝素使用了 5天,而在TIMI 11B中使用了3天。 虽然在ESC中并未发表亚组研究的结果,但我们现在知道3天时的亚组分析在TIMI 11B研究中是有显著性差异的。 * We can say with confidence that Clexane/Lovenox is now poised to become the new standard-of-care in the treatment of unstable angina and non-Q wave MI. We will be working closely with you over the next several weeks and months to get this message out to our customers and to differentiate ourselves further amon



