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网站访问数据分析在互联网产品中的应用 摘 要 网站访问行为分析,是指在获得网站访问量基本数据的情况下,对有关数据进行统计、分析,从中发现用户访问网站的规律,并将这些规律与网络营销策略等相结合,从而发现目前网络营销活动中可能存在的问题,并为进一步修正或重新制定网络营销策略提供依据 关键词: 用户行为,数据分析,电子商务,用户体验 Abstract User behavior analysis is refers to in a website to visit a quantity of basic data and the data statistics and analysis, from found the user visits the site rules and the combination of these rules and the network marketing strategy, so as to find out the network marketing activities in some problems, and further amended or re enacted network marketing strategy provides the basis. In the electronic commerce website operation process, the operator will through the user access behavior, including the user clicks, reviews, collection, registration of the landing, access paths and so on were user behavior analysis, in order to understand user behavior, for the website user experience optimization provide support, or to user transactions including the purchase demand, time to buy, the price and quantity of the commodity, means of payment, such as data, based on these operational data on their website transaction analysis to estimate the value of each customer, develop different marketing strategies according to the size of the value. Electronic commerce, compared to the traditional retail industry, the biggest feature is that everything can be monitored and improved through the data. Through the data can be seen where users come from, how to organize the product can achieve a very good conversion rate and the efficiency of advertising. Based on the data analysis of every little change, is a little bit to enhance profitability, so the data analysis of e-commerce sites is particularly important in the moment. While the data itself is objective, but the data is interpreted to be subjective. We can show the site operations through the data, adjust the site operation strategy; can through the operation of the user habits, analysis and optimization of the product func



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