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山东胜利职业学院毕业设计(论文) 底水油藏的开发 学生姓名 学 号 专业班级 指导教师: 年 月 日 摘 要 底水油藏在我国油藏中占很大的比例,其储量相当丰富。除了有大量的天然底水油藏外,随着油田进入二次开采,更多油田的开发特征不断趋向于底水类型的油藏。本课题以底水油藏为对象,采用石油地质方法和油藏工程方法,对油田开展注采动态综合研究。:底水油藏注采动态开发效果 Reservoir with bottom water reservoir in China accounted for a substantial proportion of its abundant reserves. Except the end has many natural water reservoir outside, with access to the secondary exploitation of oil fields, more oil fields to develop the characteristics of continuous trend in the type of bottom water reservoir. Subject to the bottom water reservoir for the object, the use of petroleum geology and reservoir engineering methods, to carry out oil field injection-production Dynamic comprehensive study, and then put forward . of the test oil ,the effect of the test-mining evaluation and conclusion, on this basis, the injection-production wells Net adaptability, water effects and technology policy development boundaries to do further analysis and study, eventually form a reservoir to meet the current reality, operability than strong network of injection and production wells ,through the implementation of the outcome, improve and optimize the oil field injection-production system, to supplement and maintain the formation energy ,the main oil sands enhance body control the degree of water flooding and water-driven by reserves ,improve the speed and oilfield oil field finally adopted yield. Key words: bottom water reservoir; injection-production performance; development effect 目 录 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1 1.2 研究现状 1 1.3 研究内容 2 第2章 注采效果评价 3 2.1 试油产能综合评价分析 3 2.2 试采产能评价 7 第3章 油田主要动态特征分析 8 3.1 油井产能分析和注水井吸水能力分析 8 3.2 产量递减规律分析 10 3.3 含水及含水上升率变化特征 11 3.4 油藏驱动能量分析 13 3.5 储层注采井网系统性评价 14 第4章 单指标开发效果评价 16 4.1 基础井网适应性评价 16 4.2 井网控制状况评价 18 4.3 储量动用状况分析 19 4.4 存水率 20 4.5 水驱指数 22 4.6 耗水比 22 第5章 开发效果综合评价 24 5.1 基本原理 24 5.2 评判步骤 24 5.3 实例分析 25 结 论 28 参考文



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