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本科毕业设计论文 题 目 针对高清液晶电视的响应时间补偿算法设计与实现 专业名称 计算机科学与技术 学生姓名 陈善军 指导教师 魏廷存 毕业时间 2010.7 摘 要 随着液晶电视向大屏幕,高分辨率全色显示方向的发展,人们对视频画面显示质量的要求日益提高。而液晶显示器的响应时间过慢会导致图像质量的降低,液晶显示中“残像”、“拖尾”的现象,即是因为响应时间过长而导致。降低响应时间在液晶显示器的显示中有重要意义。如何降低液晶显示器的响应时间是液晶显示器应用到大屏幕电视中所需研究的重要课题。目前已经有很多这方面的研究,从不同的出发点提出了许多改进技术。本文采用过驱动处理技术,对数据帧进行过驱动处理,以降低液晶显示器的响应时间,来提高图像画质。 所谓灰阶响应时间是指液晶单元针对输入信号从一个灰度值过渡到另一个灰度值所需要的时间,即液晶单元从一种分子排列状态转变成另外一种分子排列状态所需要的时间,响应时间愈小愈好,它反应了液晶显示器各像素点对输入信号反应的速度,其原理是在液晶分子内施加电压,使液晶分子扭转与恢复.。常说的25ms、16ms就是指的这个反应时间,反应时间越短则使用者在看动态画面时越不会有尾影拖曳的感觉。一般将灰阶响应时间分为两个部分:上升时间(Rise time)和下降时间(Fall time),一般上升时间和下降时间是不同的。 关键词:响应时间,过驱动,液晶显示器 ABSTRACT With the development of high-definition LCD TV to the big screen, high resolution full color display, the image quality requirements of LCD display is increased. But the slow response time of LCD will result in lower image quality, the “image sticking”, “tail” phenomenon of liquid crystal display is result from the long response time. Reduce the response time on the LCD display is important. How to reduce the response time of LCD is an important research subject in applied the LCD to large screen TV. There has been a lot of this research in this area and from different starting points put forward a lot of improvement techniques. In this paper, we use the over-driven processing to process the data fames to reduce the response time and improve the image quality. Gray to gray response time is the time the LCD unit required for the input signal transition from one gray level to another gray value, that is, the time the liquid crystal cell required for change its arrangement of molecule from one state to another state, which reflects the response rate of the input singal of the LCD pixel, the response time is the smaller the better. The principle is applying voltage to liquid crystal molecules, make the liquid crystal molecules twist or recovery. Of


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