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第1课 商业书信的撰写 Business Letter Writing 教学目的要求:了解业务信函的撰写原则掌握业务信函的布局(结构),七个部分C原则信封的写法商信函时应注意的要点商信函书信的组成部分及格式 Writing Principles of business Letters商业书信的撰写原则 要写好业务信函,应掌握7个 “C” 原则 1.1.1 Clearness (Clarity)清楚 意思表达明确,要注意: (一)避免用词错误: (二)注意词语所放的位置: (三)注意句子的结构: a.explain yourself clearly; b.avoiding ambiguous sentences and needless jargon; c.statements in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs; 1.1.2 Conciseness 简洁 (一)避免废话连篇 (二)避免不必要的重复 (三)短句、单词的运用 a.in the fewest possible words; b.briefly but completely; Example1(answers): Thank you for your information in your letter dated 5th August 1999. We are very interested in your tape recorders, It will be highly appreciated if you could send us photographs and a price list of the same. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. sincerely yours, 1.1.3 Courtesy 礼貌 语言要有礼且谦虚,及时地回信也是礼貌的表现。 a.more than Polite; b.sincere,tactful, thoughtful and appreciative; c.avoid irritating, offensive or belittling statements. 1.1.4 Consideration 体谅 写信时要处处从对方的角度去考虑有什么需求,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。 a.Try to put yourself in HIS place; b.emphasize the YOU attitude; c.emphasize positive,pleasant facts; 1.1.5 Completeness 完整 一封商业信函应概况了各项必需的事项,如邀请信应说明时间、地点等,确忌寄出含糊不清的信件。 a.provide all necessary information; b.Answer all questions asked; c.give something extra, when desirable; 1.1.6 Concreteness 具体 a.To make the message specific; b.don’t try to write in a literary style; c.use action rather than camouflaged verbs; 1.1.7 Correctness 正确 1.2 Parts of a Business Letter 商业书信的组成部分 1.2.1 Essential Parts 必要部分 1. Letter Head 信头 2. Date 日期 3. Inside Name and Address 收信人名称地址 4. Salutation 称呼 5. Body of the Letter 正文 6. Complimentary Close 结尾敬语 7. Signature 落款 1.2.2 Optional Parts 附加部分 8.Attention Line 具体收信人 9.Subject Line 事由 10.Reference Notation 案号 11.Enclosure 附件 12.Carbon Copy Notation (abbr. c.c.)抄送 13.Postscript (abbr. P.S.) 附言


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