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二 ○ 一 二届 毕 业 设 计 长途大客车总布置设计 学 院: 汽 车 学 院 专 业: 车 辆 工 程 姓 名: 白新龙 学 号: 2201080329 指导教师: 张平 完成时间:2010年6月15日 二〇一二年六月 摘 要 长途大客车日益在人们生活中凸显其重要性,而总布置是其他设计的前提条件,宏观操控全局。 本设计参考市场同类客车及国家相关标准,对汽车的造型内饰等进行了设计,确定了基本尺寸工艺,构建了长途客车的基本结构及外形,并对驾驶员视野进行了校核,根据客车行驶条件及生产要求,选择了发动机,变速器和驱动桥等部件,按相关要求对质心、轴荷分配及动力性进行了计算,根据长途大中型客车相关法规和人体工程学,对大客车驾驶区进行布置和乘客区座椅进布置设计,在车身布置中利用人体样板和眼椭圆对驾驶区中的操纵件和座椅的位置进行了优化设计。大致估算了风窗玻璃,最后对车身附件进行了设计,大致完成了此总布置。通过这次设计了解了一辆汽车设计的严肃性及艰巨性,这将对我以后的工作起指导作用。 关键字:长途客车,人体样板,车身布置,计算,设计 ABSTRACT Touring bus in peoples life increasingly highlights its importance, and its the premise of other macroother design layout ,controled the global. This design reference market similar buses and relevant national standards for cars, the modelling of the interior design, make sure the process, to construct the basic size coach the basic structure and appearance, and checks the vision to the driver, according to passenger cars driving conditions and production requirements, choose the engine, transmission and clutch and other components, according to related requirements on centroid, shaft jose allocation and calculated according to the dynamic performance, long distance large and medium-sized buses with human body engineering related laws and regulations, the bus driver and passenger area decorate area layout design, in seat into the body is decorated in using the human body model and the eye of driving the elliptical seat area and the location of the manipulation of pieces for the optimization design. Roughly calculated the window, wind to body accessories model the final design, substantially completed the general arrangement. This design understand a car design and arduous, the seriousness of the will to my later work period instruction function. KEY WORDS :touring bus,body model,layout ,calculate,design 目录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1车身总布置的设计原则 1 1.2车身总布置的设计内容 1 第二章 国内外客车行业现状及形势分析 3 2.1 国外大中型客车行业技术特点 3 2.1.1 欧洲客车行业形势 3


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