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四川外语学院英语系经贸口译课程 第二周《经贸口译》授课教案(部分) 授课教师: 陶丽霞 根据本课程教学纲要: 第二周 Preliminary business talks and interviews (对话体口译:学生演示为主) 2.Number interpretation skills (specialized intensive practice) 1. 模拟现场,熟悉一些表达惯例。 2.练习多位整数和倍数的口译并达到熟练程度。 主题 (Theme): Establishment of business relation建立贸易关系 2. Number interpretation skill (多位整数和多位倍数的口译练习) 本课教学重点:1. 熟悉并演绎商家在初次见面时的不同礼仪、表达和文化(口译部分为主)。 2. 熟悉复杂数字的口译并能熟练快捷地脱口而出。 预期效果:1. 学生能在涉外活动中,得体地表达和表现。 2. 训练数字表述基本功。 检测手段:(1)学生现场表现。 (2)以快速出题快速口译的形式,检测学生的反应力和熟练程度。 教学步骤: I.分组活动,熟悉内容(课文),要求或鼓励适当发挥,充实内容,使之更加具有情景性和应变性。 II.分组演示,要求有应景性、情理性、适当性,符合商务惯例。 III.数字快速口译表演,并评选优秀小组 IV.选择性地口译随机选词 V.提问或出思考题,引导学生回答或展开讨论。 部分课文内容和作业要求: 1.课文原文: =========== Wishing to Establish Business Relations W. It is said that you’re just had a successful visit to Japan. B. Yes, quite successful. Nearly every year I have a chance to visit Japan. I have been longing to visit China and establish business relations with Chinese companies. W. It is also out hope to establish business relations with our American friends. What’s your line of business? B. Textiles and textile machinery. As a matter of fact, we are distributors with business branches in most major cities in the States. We’d like to introduce Chinese textiles to our markets, if your conditions are favorable. W. Let me assure you of our best attention, Mr. Black. We are willing to do trade with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods. B. Could you give me an introduction of your products? W. Yes, of course. To give you a general idea of the various kinds of our products available for export, I’d like to give you our latest catalogue and price list. B. Very good. Thanks. But would you give me some more copies? I’d like to airmail some back home. W. Certainly. Are they enough? B. Yes, quite enough. Thank you. W. After you go over this catalogue and price list, I’ll take you down to the sample-room to have a close look at our sampl



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