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美句 Youre soft. This worlds going to chew you up and spit you. 你太善良了。这个世界将把你啃得尸骨无存。 You really need to work on your listening skills.你的听力真得练练了。 For once in your life, would you just do what youre told? 你怎么一次都不肯乖乖听话呢? I think there are a lot of people with family connections but who are actually nowhere. (Isabel Dos Santos, Azerbaijani businessman) 我觉得,很多因家庭背景而人脉广泛的人都一事无成。——伊莎贝尔·多斯桑托斯(阿塞拜疆商人) The success or failure of our deceitful enterprise turns on details.--Sheldon 我们这次骗人大业的成败,取决于细节。——生活中,学习中,事业中许多事的成败均取决于细节。 What kind of friend would I be, if I didnt help you out of this mess youre in? 如果我不帮你走出泥潭,那我算哪门子朋友? The real way to get a man is with melted cheese, and cream of mushroom soup. 拴住一个男人的真正秘诀就是给他做融化了的奶酪和蘑菇汤。 Death is everywhere. Most of us try to avoid it. Others cant get out of its way. 死神无处不在,多数人都唯恐避之不及,有些人则难逃厄运。 Im sorry, hon-- Men can be jerks. 很遗憾,亲爱的,男人有时就是混蛋。 Life has its ups and downs. You will never fully appreciate the ups unless you have some downs.人生充满了起起落落,没有在低处历练过的人,也无法享受高处的快感。 But as you get older it is important that you know everything about something. (Johann Peter Rupert, Afrikander businessman) 但随着年纪的增长,你得就需要至少对一件事了如指掌。——约翰·彼得·鲁伯特(南非商人) Whenever we make mistakes, we need to apologize, and then we need to move on. 只要犯了错,就应该道歉,然后释怀,继续生活。 All good things must come to an end. 美好的事物总是稍纵即逝。 Rise and shine, sleepy head. 起床了,小懒猪。 You fixate on some crazy idea and then blow it way out of proportion.你总是纠结于某个傻乎乎的想法,然后无限制地放大。 Im going to go wander the streets alone. Invisible, unwanted and unloved. A pathetic shadow in a city with no heart. 我要去街上独自闲逛一会...无人关注、无人需要、无人爱怜,都市里的一剪孤影,无牵无挂。 In Life, you don’t get anywhere or do anything you hope to without some sort of sacrifice. (Stephen Saad, Afrikander businessman) 在生活中,如果不作出牺牲,你就无法达到任何成就、实现任何期望。——斯蒂芬·萨阿德(南非商人) It can be inferred that you lack confidence in a victory over your rivals from the fact that youre irritable against them. 如果敌人让你生气,那说明你还没有胜他的把握。 We all carry something with us. Of course, its nice if


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