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郑州市2015年高中毕业年级第三次质量预测英语 第二部分 阅读理解 A As a cross-country skier and member of the Australian ski team heading towards the Winter Olympics, I was on a training bike ride with my fellow teammates. But everything went black. I’d been hit by a speeding truck. I had extensive and life-threatening injuries. I’d broken my neck and my back in six places. I was paralyzed(瘫痪)from the waist down. The doctor came over to me and said,” Janine, you’ll have to rethink about everything you do in your life, because you’re never going to be able to do the things you did before.” After six months, it was time to go home. I remember Dad pushing me outside in my wheelchair, wrapped in a plaster body cast(石膏). All I wanted to do was to put my running shoes on and run out of the door. I wanted my old life back. Sitting in my wheelchair at home, I saw an airplane flying overhead and began to think to myself,” That’s it! If I can’t walk, I might as well fly.” I said,” Mom, I’m going to learn how to fly.” She passed me the phone book. I rang up the flying school and made a booking. People at the flying school used to look at me and think,” Oh, who is she kidding? She’s never going to be able to do this.” But that didn’t matter, because there was something inside me, burning, which far outweighed my injuries. Little goals kept me going along the way, and eventually I got my private pilot’s license and became a pilot. Then, I found myself at that same school where I’d gone for that very first flight, teaching other people how to fly, just within 18 months after I’d left the hospital. Then I knew for certain that although my body might be limited, my spirit was unstoppable. I now know that when you ignore what you are, you become what you might be. 21. What happened to the author after she was hit by a speeding truck? A. She was greatly encouraged to learn how to fly. B. She was forced to give up her career as a skier. C. She was so depressed as to lose confidence in herself. D. She was badly hu



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