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第一节 航海日记的填写
0147. Which___A___ need NOT be entered in the Official Logbook?
A.The testing of the internal combustion engine driven emergency generators at least once each month the navigated 至少每月一次进行对由内燃机驱动的应急发电机的测试
B.The testing of storage batteries for emergency lighting and power systems once each 6 months the vessel is navigated 第六个月进行一次的对提供船舶应急照明及电源的电池进行的测试
C.The actual draft when the vessel arrives in salt water after departing a port 离港后船舶进入海水时实际吃水
D.The testing of the line-throwing appliance once every 3 months 每三个月进行一次的对抛绳设备进行的测试
0148. A seaman assaults the Second Mate and injures him with a beer bottle while the ship is at sea.The incident is logged the Official Logbook.In subsequent suspension and revocation proceedings against the seaman,according regulations,__C____.
A.the Second Mate and the Master must testify as to the facts of the assault 二付及船长必须就受攻击的事实作证
B.the case will be dismissed if the logbook entries are improperly made 如不适当地填写航海日志,该事件将不被受理
C.the logbook entry is prima facie evidence of the facts if it complies with the law 如果符合法律规定,航海日志的填写内容将做为初步证据。
D.the logbook is inadmissible if the logbook entries do not conform to the law 如果航海日志的填写不符合法律规定,则航海日志将不被接受
0149. A seaman leaves a vessel before it sails from a foreign port.He informs the Chief Officer that he wont return.After the vessel sails,the Chief Officer finds the seamans work clothes in his locker.How should the Master handle this matter ___A_____.
A.Log the seaman as a deserter 把该船员作为擅离职守者记入航海日志
B.Log the seaman as a fail to join 把该船员作为漏船者记入航海日志
C.Log the seaman for misconduct 把该船员定为行为不端记入航海日志
D.Take no action 不采取任何行动
0150. A wise Captain gives clear direction in his ____D__ for the officers on watch to call him if in any doubt whatsoever
A.Deck Logbook 航海日志B.Masters Note 船长说明
C.Bell Book 车钟记录本D.Masters Standing O
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