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A new study from Iowa State University has identified some of the central aspects of nomophobia -- thats no mobile phone phobia -- with a handy new 20-question survey measuring iPhonecodependence.Scroll down to take the quiz. 爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)最近用一个简单的共包括20个问题的测试,总结出“无手机恐惧症”(nomophobia)的主要特点。20个问题均测试受访者对iPhone的依赖程度。测试内容在本文下方。Nomophobia is considered a modern age phobia introduced to our lives as a byproduct of the interaction between people and mobile information and communication technologies, especially smartphones, CaglarYildirim, one of the studys authors, told The Huffington Post in an email. It refers to fear of not being able to use a smartphone ... [and] it refers to the fear of not being able to communicate, losing the connectedness that smartphones allow, not being able to access information through smartphones, and giving up the convenience that smartphones provide. 本次研究的负责人之一卡格拉?耶尔德勒姆(CaglerYildirim)在给《赫芬顿邮报》的邮件中写道:“无手机恐惧症是信息时代的产物。人们对以手机为代表的信息通讯技术的依赖导致了这种症状的产生。它指的是人们对不能使用手机的恐惧,即不能通过手机聊天,与世界失去联系的感觉,不能通过手机获取资讯以及不能享用智能手机带来的便利。”The research builds on a University of Missouri study published in January. which found that bring separated from your iPhone can have a real psychological and physiological effect, including impaired thinking. 早在今年一月,密苏里州的一所大学发表的研究报告表明,把iPhone从身边拿开会对人们的生理和心理均带来一定影响,甚至使他们不能正常思考。爱荷华州立大学的本次研究即是基于这份报告的成果。iPhones are capable of becoming an extension of our selves such that when separated, we experience a lessening of self and a negative physiological state, Russell Clayton, a doctoral candidate and the studys lead author, said in a statement. 本次研究的主要负责人,在读博士罗素?克莱顿(Russell Clayton)声称:“我们已经把iPhone视为身体的延伸,一旦与它分开,我们会觉得自我少了一部分,感到生理不适。”To develop the questionnaire, the Iowa researchers interviewed nine undergraduate students about their relationships with their smartphones, identifying four basic dimensions of nomophobia: not being able to communicate, losing connectedness, not being able to access information and giving up convenie


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