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英文精進教學社群第 次會議紀錄 日期: 103年4月10日 地點: 會議室 主題: 英聽考試好容易 主席: 古月明 講師: 楊非凡 Objective of English Listening Teaching In-class Activities Survey Fill in the blanks Who’s faster? Cut, Match, and Relay! Sing a song Three Key Items Form-focused instruction The teacher varies the speed. The teacher varies the way of choosing who is to repeat the sentence. The teacher can vary the content of the sentence. The teacher varies the way the substitution is signaled to the learners. The teacher may vary the way of choosing the substitution. Meaning-focused instruction Opportunities to improve fluency Conclusion Discussion: Q: How can we improve students’ listening ability? Apply some activities in class, like listening to pop songs, watching movies and so on. Designing a task-based curriculum would be a good choice, such as boarding announcement. Teachers should design the listening activities which are task-oriented or problem-solving. Various activities could derive students’ motivation more. While applying listening activities, it’s better to provide a warm-up activity and visual aid. After the listening activity, Teachers have to give students feedback immediately. 英文精進教學社群第 次會議紀錄 地點:2樓會議室 主題:英聽考試好容易(2) 講師:楊非凡 探討學習英語聽力的幾個基本原則與做法: 循序漸進、選擇適合學生程度的教材 熟悉英語的語音特色,不是聽『單字』,而是聽『語意』 從日常生活中固定形式的表達語句開始訓練 聽說讀寫相輔相成,互為助力 可以選擇特定主題,做專題聽力訓練 善用各種多媒體教材與網路資源引起學生興趣 以歌曲克漏字形式訓練聽力 多給學生聽真實英語情境的英語 英語聽力活動分享 認識國中會考與全民英檢聽力題型 英文精進教學社群第 次會議紀錄 地點:2樓會議室 主題:有效的單字背誦(1) 講師:Sara Hong From Joy English 紀錄:謝毓帆 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Discussion: 學生程度好:有態度/動機 V.S.無態度/動機 -> Interest is the best teacher. How do students learn best? VAK Learning Style (Visual Auditory Kinesthetic) ->找出班上學生最多數的學習類型,採用適合的方式教學, 補足缺點,讓學習更有效率。 Teaching Vocabulary in Class ->Pronunciation (字音) / Form (字形) / Meaning (字義) Ways to Help Students Phonics


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