口语 unit1要点.ppt

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6. 南北朝时,由于战争期间人们纷纷南迁,南方成为中国的经济中心,这种人口迁移不但增加了南方的劳动力,而且给南方带来了先进的农业技术。南方的经济得到了发展,扬州成了当时最繁华的都市。以诗为代表的文学创作取得了巨大的成就。此外,中国与外邦的外交往来也更加密切了。北魏与东面的日本和朝鲜、西面的罗马帝国、东南地区的其他国家建立了联系。 * Unit 1 1. 注意连读和停顿 Let’s continue our discussion of pollution. Yesterday we defined pollution. Today we’ll talk about the impact of pollution, ... its far-reaching effects. Many people think that pollution is just a problem for scientists, but it’s not just a problem for scientists. It’s a problem that affects everyone. Because it affects human lives, it’s a health problem. Because it affects property, it’s an economy problem. And because it affects our appreciation of nature, it’s an aesthetic problem. 一 模仿朗读。根据录音大声朗读,每段录音读两遍。每段录音后会留出相应的时间,供学习者朗读。 ▲ 〓 ■ 1. Let’s continue our discussion ? of pollution./ Yesterday we defined pollution./ Today we’ll talk?about the ? impact ? of pollution,/ ... its far-reaching ? effects./ Many people think that pollution ? is just ? a problem for scientists,/ but it’s not just ? a problem for scientists./ It’s ? a problem that ? affects ? everyone./Because ? it ? affects human lives,/ it’s ? a health problem./ Because ? it ? affects ? property,/ it’s ? an ? economy problem./ And because ? it ? affects ? our ? appreciation ? of nature,/ it’s ? an ? aesthetic problem. ↘ 朗读指导: (“ ? ”表示连读;“↗、↘”表示升、降调;“/”表示停顿) ▲ 〓 ■ 1. 让我们继续讨论污染问题吧。昨天我们研究了污染的定义。今天我们要讨论的问题是污染的影响……以及其长远影响。许多人认为污染仅仅是科学家们的问题,但事实并非如此。污染影响着每一个人。因为污染危害人的生活,是一个健康问题。污染还危害财产,因此它也是一个经济问题。污染影响我们对自然的欣赏,因此它还是一个美学问题。 2. 注意辅音连缀—过去式 In the days when men were allowed to have many wives, a Middle-aged man had one young wife and one old one. Each loved him very much and desired to see him like herself. Now the man’s hair was turning gray, which the young woman did not like because it made him look too old to be her husband. So every night she combed his hair and picked out the white strands. The elder wife saw her husband growing old with great pleasure, for she didn’t like to be mistaken for his mother.


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