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Credit Inquiry Background Information 1. Importance of credit inquiry. Before you start to do business with partners in foreign countries who are far away from you, if you don’t him or her very well, then you should do credit inquiry about him or her in case you are cheated by him or her. 2. How to do credit inquiry (1)through bank (2)through offices abroad (3)through commercial chamber and professional offices on credit inquiry 3. Content for credit inquiry (1)政治情况:包括客户与其本国政界关系,企业负责人参加的党派等 (2)经营范围:包括客户的业务范围、是实用户还是中间商,经营作法等。 (3)资信情况:包括客户的资金、资产负债情况以及经营作风等。 (4)经营能力:指客户的销售渠道、活动能力等。 (1) Dear Sir, The Maryland, Inc. The subject company is now offering to represent us in the sale of our Sewing Machines, and has referred us to your Bank for detailed information about its credit standing, business capacity and character. We shall appreciate it if you will give us your frank opinion on these points regarding the company. Any information you may give us will be treated strictly in confidence. We assure you of our reciprocating your courtesy at any time. Yours respectfully, The subject company is now offering to represent us in the sale of our Sewing Machines, and has referred us to your Bank for detailed information about its credit standing, business capacity and character. We shall appreciate it if you will give us your frank opinion on these points regarding the company. 标题公司现提出要当我公司代理,销售我方的缝纫机,并介绍我公司向贵行了解该公司的信用、业务能力和信誉的详细情况。如贵行对该公司就上述几点提出坦率意见,我方将不胜感激。 Any information you may give us will be treated strictly in confidence. We assure you of our reciprocating your courtesy at any time. 贵行提供的任何资料,我方将严格必威体育官网网址。 保证随时回报贵行的好意。 (2) Gentlemen: The Maryland Inc. The subject company you inquired about by your letter of October 15, 2001, has been maintaining an account with us for the past twenty years, during which they have never failed to meet their obligation. Their balance sheets of recent years enclosed will show you that their import business in Sewing Machines has been


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