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character rosy cheeks,short and fat with a tall hat on his head and an umbrella on his hand. a pair of boots on his feet Origin In the eighteenth century,John arbuthnot wrote five political satire pamphlets and collected them in a book called The History of John Bull.In this book,John bull is crude,domineering(专横跋扈的) and militant(好战的).These typical character can sometimes reflect the political situation of that period. Social envirnment In 17th century,the victory of England bourgeois revolution had been just got,the capital of primitive accumulation kept expansile continually,England began to become stronger.At that time ,the goverment take actions like colonization and plundering( 殖民掠夺).At home,they tried enclosure movement( 圈地主义).The characteristic of the goverment is precisely familar to the John bull. Development Originally, John Bull on behalf of generally Englishman in 17 century. At that time Englishman have a close relationship with dogs, especially bull dog(斗牛犬). In 19 century ,cartoonists displayed John Bull in caricatures ,so everyone now has a visual image of him. At present,John bull gradually means the doer (实干家),an absolutely commendatory terms. Influence 由John Bull派生出来的 John Bullism 意思是“英国精神”、 “英国习气” “英国的典型性格”, John Bullist的意思 是“英国迷”。 As we all know,bull are usually full of passion,they never lose confidence before the trouble,and can fight to death with no hesitation,that is very unimaginable. In some extent,English people usually have the conservative( 保守的) temperament. The British sense of humor At the beginning ,John bull is not a very good image.But English people dont care about whether it will hurt their reputation or not. that related to their sense of humor,which is very special compared to the others.So,in most occasions,we can not understand the humor in their eyes. They usually laght at their own mistakes,disadvantages and even their dreams but they never


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