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Wuhan Institute of Shipbuilding Technology Power Engineering Department Lesson 14 Boiler Mountings, Management and Maintenance 第14课 锅炉附件、管理和保养 The boiler must be brought slowly up to working pressure in order to ensure gradual(逐渐的) expansion(膨胀) and to avoid overheating the super heater(过热器) elements(元件) and damaging any refractory material(耐火材料) due to expansion stresses(膨胀应力). The time required will vary with boiler types and construction. If necessary blow down some of the contents to sea to displace cold water from the lowest part of the boiler shell, to minimize temperature differentials and the thermal stresses. 锅炉必须缓慢地升压至工作压力,以保证逐渐膨胀,并且避免过热器元件过热,以及因膨胀应力损坏耐火材料。 (升汽)所需的时间随锅炉的类型和结构而变化。如果必要,应该把炉水排到大海,以便排出锅炉壳体最低处的冷水和减小温度差及热应力。 The main and auxiliary steam lines should now be warmed by crack opening(裂纹张开,稍微打开) of the boiler main and auxiliary stop valves(截止阀). When the lines are hot close the drains(放残阀). In addition the water level gauges(水位计) should be blown through(彻底地) and checked for correct reading. 主辅蒸汽管路应通过稍微打开主辅截止阀来加热。当管路变热后,关闭放残阀。 此外,应彻底冲洗水位计,并检查其正确的示数。 * 动力工程系 Power Engineering Department Luobin Certain fittings are necessary on a boiler to ensure its safe operation. They are usually referred to as (被称为)boiler mountings. The mountings usually found on a boiler are: Safety valves These are mounted in pairs (成对)to protect the boiler against overpressure(超压). Once the valve lifting pressure is set in the presence of (在有…的情况下)a Surveyor, it is locked and cannot be changed. The valve is arranged to open automatically at the pre-set(预定的) blow-off pressure(启阀压力). 锅炉必须安装某些装置以保证锅炉的安全运行。他们通常被称作锅炉附件。锅炉上通常安装的附件有: 安全阀 安全阀成对安装,用于防止锅炉超压。一旦启阀压力在验船师在场时被设定,就被锁定,不可改变。安全阀用于在预设的启阀压力时自动开启。 Main steam stop valve This valve is fitted in the main steam supply line and is usually of the non-return type. Auxiliary steam stop valve This is a smaller valve fitted in the auxiliary steam supply line, and is usually of the non-return type. 主停汽阀 主停汽阀安装在主供汽管上,通常是止回型的。 辅


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