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Unit 22 阅读 The World Bank 世界银行 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD), also known as the World Bank(WB), is a specialized特殊的 United Nations agency established at Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. 【布雷顿森林会议(Bretton Woods Conference):1944年7月1—22日,参加筹建联合国的44个国家的代表,在美国新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林的华盛顿山大旅社举行,为讨论和制订战后国际货币金融合作计划而召开的联合国货币金融会议(United Nation Monetary and Financial Conference)】A related institution组织,机构, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was created at the same time. The chief objective目的,宗旨 of the bank is to assist in 协助the reconstruction and development of territories领土,区域 of members by facilitating帮助 the investment of capital 资金投资for productive生产性的 purposes. 国际复兴开发银行,也叫世界银行, 是1944年布雷顿森林会议建立的特殊的联合国代理机构。与他有关的组织国际货币基金组织(IMF)同时建立。国际复兴开发银行的首要宗旨是协助它的成员国的生产性资金投资,实现国家重建和发展。 The bank grants批准 loans only to member nations, for the purpose of financing提供资金 specific projects特殊项目. Before a nation can secure获得 a loan, advisers顾问 and experts representing 代表the bank must determine确认 that the prospective 预期的borrower can meet conditions(指贷款的条件) stipulated规定的 by the bank. Most of these conditions are designed设计 to ensure保证 that loans will be used productively and that they will be repaid偿还. The bank requires 要求that the borrower be unable to secure a loan for the particular project 特定项目from any other source来源,渠道 on reasonable terms 以合理的条件条款and that the prospective project 目标项目be technically feasible可行的 and economically sound有效的. 国际复兴开发银行只向其成员国发放贷款,为特殊的项目融资。在成员国保证获得贷款之前,代表银行的顾问专家必须确认意向借贷国符合该银行规定的借贷条件。这些条件多数是为保证贷款的生产性使用和贷款的偿还。银行要求的条件是借贷国不能以合理的条件条款从任何其他的渠道获得特定项目的贷款,目标项目有可行的技术支持和可观的经济效益。 To ensure保证 repayment还钱, member governments must guarantee loans made to private concerns关心(指私人贷款) within their territories国内的. After the loan has been made, the bank requires periodic定期的 reports both from the borrower and from its own observers on the use of the loan and on the progress of the project. 为了确保借贷款的偿还,成员国政府必须为其国内的个体借贷做担保。贷款发出后银行要求借贷方和观察员定期报告贷款的使用情


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