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Wuhan Institute of Shipbuilding Technology Power Engineering Department Lesson 8 Gas Exchange Process 第8课 换气过程 A basic part of the working cycle(工作循环) of an internal combustion engine(内燃机) is the supply of fresh air(新鲜空气) and removal(排出) of exhaust gases(废气). 内燃机工作循环的一个基本部分是新鲜空气的进入与废气的排出。 This is the gas exchange. 这就是换气(过程)。 Scavenging(扫气) is the removal(排出) of exhaust gases(废气) from the cylinder by blowing in(吹入) fresh air(新鲜空气). 扫气是指用吹入的新鲜空气从气缸内排出废气。 Charging(充气) is the filling(充满) of the engine cylinder with a supply or charge of fresh air ready for(为…作准备) compression(压缩). 充气是指将供给的或充入的新鲜空气充满气缸以备压缩。 With supercharging(增压) a larger mass of air is supplied to the cylinder by blowing it in under pressure. 至于增压,是指在一定压力下通过吹入大量的空气来提供给气缸。 Older engines were “naturally aspirated(自然吸气)” - taking fresh air only at atmospheric pressure(在大气压下). 老式柴油机采用“自然吸气”—在大气压下吸入新鲜空气。 注意:老式柴油机采用自然吸气式,现代柴油机一般采用增压式。 By increasing the density(密度) of the charge air(充入的空气) by the use of a suitable compressor(压缩机) between the air intake(进气口) and the cylinder(气缸), the weight of air induced per working stroke(工作冲程) is increased, and thereby a greater weight of fuel can be burnt, with a consequent increase in the cylinder power output. 通过在进气口和气缸之间采用合适的(空气)压缩机来增加充入空气的密度,使(进入)每个工作冲程的空气重量增加,因此更多的燃油能够被燃烧,随之,每缸的输出功率会增加。 This increase in charge air density(充入空气密度) is accomplished(实现) on most modern diesel engine(现代柴油机) types by use of exhaust gas turbocharging(废气涡轮增压), in which a turbine wheel(涡轮) driven by exhaust from the engine is rigidly rigidly(直接地) coupled to(与…相连;耦合) a centrifugal type air compressor(离心式空压机). 在大多数现代柴油机上,采用废气涡轮增压来实现充入空气密度的增加。在废气涡轮增压(装置)中,由柴油机排出的废气来驱动的涡轮直接与离心式空压机相连。 Both four-stroke(四冲程机) and two-stroke(二冲程机) cycle engines may be pressure charged(增压式). 无论是四冲程还是二冲程(循环)机,都可能是增压式的。 It should be noted that(应当注意) supercharging(增压) is not simply a matter of(关于…的问题) adding equipment to non-supercharged engines. 应当注意,对非增压式柴油机而言,增压并不是简单地增加设备的问题。 The supercharged engine(增压式柴油机


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