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Dead space(死区) 可以认为是阈值范围的两倍区间,没有严格定义。 Scale readability-刻度的可读性:此项指标多是用在模拟输出上,以数字输出的仪表则不存在此问题。 Span-测量范围:即测量仪器可测的上下限。 Generalized Stiffness and Input Impedance: Loading Effects 静态刚度和输入阻抗:负载效应 任何测量仪器在测量时都会从被测量吸取部分能量,从而改变被测量的值或者状态,因此要设计一个完美的仪器在理论上是不可能的。通常希望仪器吸取的能量尽可能的小,也就是希望要有小的负载效应。 Loading Effects 一般意义上,如果要测量某个量p,则必然会涉及到另外一个量q,乘积pq具有功率的量纲,那么就要尽可能使pq小。 定义广义的输入阻抗为:Zgi=p/q,那么 显然,要使广义输入阻抗要大,才可能使 P 尽可能的小。 The methods of increasing input impedance One of general utility employs a change in configuration of the instrument so as to include an auxiliary power source. Still another approach to the problem of increasing input impedance uses the principle of feedback or null balance. Potentiometric 电位计 Loading Effects 思考如果以要测量电流时阻抗如何变化? Stiffness 机械装置中的一个概念,可以参照弹簧的劲度加以理解。 在测量力时必然涉及另外一个量位移,则力/位移则可以定义为劲度(刚度),也就是弹簧的弹性系数。显然参照输入阻抗的概念,仍然需要弹性系数比较大,则从被测量吸收的能量比较小。 Dynamic Characteristics 动态特性 The study of measurement system dynamics is just one of many practical applications of the more general area, often called system dynamics. We include those fundamentals necessary for our purposes. Generalized mathematical model of measurement system The most widely useful mathematical model for the study of measurement-system dynamic response is the ordinary linear differential equation with constant coefficients. Dynamic Characteristics We assume that the relation between any particular input (desired, interfering, or modifying) and the output can, by applications of suitable simplifying assumptions, be put in the form 微分方程如何来解? The solutions of this type of differential equations The “classical” method of D operators; The Laplace-transform method. The D-operator method The complete solution is obtained in two separate parts. The D-operator method 通解可以通过求解高次方程写出; 特解可以通过待定系数法得到。 此外,S 域变化也是工程上非常常用的方法。 Operational Transfer Function 用微分算子D来表示: 在 s 域上表示: Operational Transfer Function 通过此变换可以不用单独研究系统各个 部分的响应情况,只需要从整体上来研究。 Sinusoidal Transfer Function 在研究测量系统动态性能时,通常给系统一些标准输入,然后分析其响应。 其中一个最


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