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Mind over Machine (pragaraph 6 to 7) ponder (formal) vt. to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult question, or something that has happened [= consider] I pondered the incident,asking myself again and again how it could have happened. 我反复思考那件事,一再自问究竟是怎么回事。 She pondered her words thoroughly. 她说每一句话都要仔细掂量(衡量,估量)。 to ponder the events of history 回想(反思)种种历史事件 ponder (formal) vi. ponder on/over/about The university board is still pondering over the matter.大学董事会仍在考虑这件事情。 ponder how/what/whether Jay stood still for a moment, pondering whether to go or not.Jay站了一会,考虑要不要走。 ponder upon With great seriousness he pondered upon the problem.他非常认真地考虑这个问题。 speculate vt./vi. to guess about the possible causes or effects of something, without knowing all the facts or details to speculate ones intention 猜测某人的意图 It is speculated that the murder was done by the international narcotics ring. 据推测这次暗杀事件系国际贩毒集团所为。 No man speculates he would win the game. 每个人都相信他将取得比赛的胜利。 speculate upon/on/about (why/what etc.) Jones refused to speculate about what might happen.约翰拒绝推测可能发生的事情。 This is the method that we have been speculating about.这正是我们一直在思考的方法。 No one can speculate on what hes thinking about.没人知道他在想什么。 to buy goods, property,shares in a company etc, hoping that you will make a large profit when you sell them speculate in/on to speculate on the futures 搞期货投机生意 He speculated in stocks.他投机股票生意。 pooh-pooh vt./vi.(informal) to say that you think that an idea, suggestion, effort etc is silly or not very good 藐视;漠视;嘲弄;嘲笑 I thought it was quite a good idea,but she pooh-poohed it. 我认为这是个相当好的主意,但是她很不以为然。 表示蔑视,不耐烦 He pooh-poohed at the sight. 他一看到这情况就呸了一声。 interj.(感叹词)呸,啐(表示轻蔑)[亦作 poo-poo] interface n.[countable] the way in which you see the information from a computer program on a screen, or how you type information into the program界面,交界 If the interface were a person, what would he or she be like? 如果这个界面是一个人的话,他或她看上去是什么样的? the way in which two subjec



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