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Lesson 5 Fuel Oil System 第5 课 燃油系统 1. Marine engines must operate successfully on heavy residual fuel oils which may vary in quality and analysis depending upon the source of their crude and the refinery processes. 1.船用发动机必须能良好地燃用重油运转,这些重油根据原油来源和炼油过程在质量和 成分上是不同的。 2. Accurate and complete analysis are difficult to obtain but specifications should confirm that certain parameters are not exceeded. Samples of the oil delivered should be kept for reference. 2.准确和完整的分析难以获取,但应确认规格中某些参数不超出限定。所供油的油样应 保留,以供参考。 3. Density of the oil must be given (usually measured at 15℃), since the consignment will be measured by weight. It will also be necessary to know this to adjust centrifuges to give efficient purification. 3.由于交货(油)时是用重量来度量的,因此必须给出油的密度(通常为15℃下测得的)。知道油的密度对于调整分油机以便给予高效的净化也是必要的。 4. Viscosity is required, to calculate temperatures at which the fuel is treated and injected into the engine. 4.要求明确豁度,用以计算燃料在处理和喷人发动机时的温度。 5. Flash point for the fuel must not be below 60℃ although the actual value need not be stated. This minimum is for safety reasons. 5.虽然不必说明实际值,但燃油的闪点绝不能低于60℃。这个最低值的要求是出于安 全原因。 6. Other factors should also be considered when selecting a fuel oil. Among those which affect combustion are the fuel oil’s viscosity, cetane number and calorific value; the sulphur in it and its carbon residues and ash are factors that decide the formation of combustion products; and the engine’s maintenance has a lot to do with its flash and setting points, specific gravity, viscosity, water content and the mechanical impurities in it. 6.在选择燃油时,也应考虑其他因素。其中影响燃烧的因素有燃油豁度、十六烷值和发热值;硫分、残炭值以及灰分是决定燃烧产物形成的因素;而发动机的保养与燃油的闪点、凝点、比重、勃度、含水量和机械杂质含量有很大关系。 7. The fuel oil system for a diesel engine can be considered in two parts—the fuel supply and the fuel injection systems. Fuel supply deals with the provision of the fuel oil suitable for use by the injection system. 7.柴油机的燃油系统(见图5-1)可认为由两部分组成—燃油供给系统和燃油喷射系 统。燃油供给系统用于为燃油喷射系统提供适合其使用的燃油。 Fuel Oil Supply燃油供给 8. Fuel to be


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