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《Desolation RoTheyre selling postcards of the hanging?他们把那张处私刑绞死的照片当作明信片来卖?Theyre painting the passports brown?他们把护照都刷成了咖啡色?The beauty parlor is filled with sailors?美容院里挤满了水手?The circus is in town?马戏团也已巡游至此?Here comes the blind commissioner?这边厢来了位瞎子参议院?Theyve got him in a trance?大家看着他晃晃悠悠,恍恍惚惚?One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker?一只手和一个走钢丝的人一起绑着?The other is in his pants?另一只手插在裤子里?And the riot squad theyre restless?暴乱的队伍已经焦躁不安?They need somewhere to go?他们需要去某个新的地方?As Lady and I look out tonight from Desolation Row?女士与我,正向外望着,从这条荒凉小街。?Cinderella, she seems so easy?灰姑娘,看上去如此随意?It takes one to know one, she smiles?彼此彼此啦,她微笑着说?And puts her hands in her back pocket?然后把双手插入后面的口袋?Bette Davis style?活脱一副贝蒂戴维斯的老明星范儿?Then in comes Romeo, hes moaning?那边厢罗密欧又过来,苦逼着脸悲叹:?You Belong to Me I Believe?你是属于我的,我相信!?Then someone says, Youre in the wrong place, my friend?朋友,你来错地方咯,另一些人赶紧说,?You better leave?你最好还是马上走。?And the only sound thats left,After the ambulances go?当救护车已经远去,最后唯一剩下的声响?Is Cinderella sweeping up On Desolation Row?只有灰姑娘,在那条荒凉小街上,默默地扫地。?Now the moon is almost hidden?现在,月亮几乎已经没影了?The stars are beginning to hide?星星也开始躲了起来?The fortunetelling lady?那个算命的占卜女巫?Has even taken all her things inside?也已把她的鬼把戏都收拾妥当?All except for Cain and Abel?除了该隐和亚伯?And the hunchback of Notre Dame?和钟楼怪人卡西莫多?Everybody is making love?每个人都正忙着做爱?Or else expecting rain?或期待老天能下场雨?And the Good Samaritan, hes dressing?那个乐善好施的撒玛利亚人,他正在精心打扮?Hes getting ready for the show?正为一个派对做着准备?Hes going to the carnival tonight On Desolation Row?今晚他将出席,在荒凉小街上,举办的一场狂欢嘉年华?Ophelia, shes neath the window?奥菲利娅,她靠在窗前?For her I feel so afraid?对她我感到很害怕?On her twenty-second birthday?在她22岁生日的那天?She already is an old maid?已然变成了一个大龄的女仆?To her, death is quite romantic?死亡对她来说是那么地罗曼蒂克?She wears an iron vest?她穿着一件铁制的背心?Her professions her religion?宗教信仰是她的职业?Her sin is her lifelessness?枯燥乏味却是她犯下的罪孽?And though her eyes are fixed upon?虽然她的双眸紧紧地凝视?Noahs g