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General introduction of Phonetics: In English, there are 48 phonetics including 20 vowels and 28 consonants. In this book, we are going to learn all of them. As known to all, vowels also can be divided into 2 categories: monophthong and diphthong. While monophthong also can be divided into 2 groups: long vowels and short vowels. We can see the following picture to get a more clear understanding! Lesson 1 General introduction of Phonetics Two vowels [i:], [i] 发音口型 [i:] 发音代言人 :穿针引线长“衣”音 一句话练发音 Please sit on the seat. 单词集训 [i:] east [i:st] 东 eat [i:t] 吃 bee [bi:] 蜜 feet [fi:t] 脚 teacher [ti:t??] see[si:] she[?i:] leave [li:v] he[hi:] each[i:t?] 单词大比拼 [i:]出现在单词的词头 each [i:t?] 每个人 east [i:st] 东 eat [i:t] 吃 eagle [‘i:gl] 鹰 eel [i:l] 鳗鱼 eager [?i:ɡ?] 渴望的 [i:]出现在单词的中央 seat [si:t] 座位 need [ni:d] 需要 bead [bi:d] 珠子 meat [mi:t] 肉 heat [hi:t] 加热 meet [mi:t] 会见 Scream[skri:m]尖叫 [i:] 在单词的尾部 sea [si:] 海洋 tea [ti:] 茶 fee [fi:] 费用 knee [ni:] 膝盖 free. [fri:] 有空的 please [pli:] 请求 常见读作[i:]的字母组合 字母/字母组合 i ea e ee ie ey ei police Sea, pea She, he, evening Sweet, meet Thief, field key receive 发音 规律 字母e为单词中唯一元音且处于末端时,常发[i:]音 字母组合ea常发[i:]音 字母组合ee常发[i:]音 字母组合ie常发[i:]音 字母组合ei可发[i:]音 字母组合ey为单音节单词词尾时可发[i:]音 注意 事项 [i:]的音长应是[i]的两倍以上,并且在发音部位上嘴唇要向“耳朵”方向拉伸。(注意事项:千万别把嘴唇咧到耳朵部位啊!哈!) 短语集训 in the deep sea. Read the book See the key ______________________________________________________________________________ Homework Cheap sheep; 便宜的羊; Cheap sheep; 便宜的羊


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