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Unit 6 Mark Twain---Mirror of America Vocabulary 1. idyllic [a?d?l?k] ( adj. ) :pastoral or picturesque;pleasing and simple 田园诗的;田园风光的;生动逼真的;质朴宜人的 cynical ( adj.) :believing that people are motivated in all their actions only by selfishness;denying the sincerity of peoples motives and actions,or the value of living玩世不恭的;愤世嫉俗的 obsess (v.) :haunt or trouble in mind,esp. to an abnormal degree;preoccupy greatly使分心;使心神困扰(尤指精神反常、着迷) frailty ( n.) :the quality or condition of being frail;weakness(esp. moral weakness)脆弱性;虚弱性(尤指意志薄弱) tramp ( n.) :the act of tramping;a journey on foot;hike . 漂泊,流浪步行;徒步旅行 prospector ( n.) :a person who prospects for valuable ores,oil,etc.(矿藏等的)勘探者;探矿者 starry—eyed ( adj.) :with the eyes sparkling in a glow of wonder,romance,visionary dreams,etc.过于理想的;不切实际的;盲目乐观的 acid—tongued ( adj.) :sharp,sarcastic in speech说话尖刻的 cynic ( n.) :a cynical person玩世不恭的人;好挖苦人的人;愤世嫉俗的人 navigable ( adj.) :wide and deep enough,or free enough from obstructions,to be traveled on by vessels可行船的;可通航的;可航行的 attest ( v.) :serve as proof of;demonstrate;make clear作为……的证据,为……作证;论证;表明 artery ( n.) :a main road or channel干线,干道,大路;干渠 keelboat ( n.) :a large,shallow freight boat with a keel,formerly used on the Mississippi,Missouri,etc.(旧时密西西比河、密苏西河等用的)龙骨船 flatboat ( n.) :a boat with a flat bottom,for carrying freight in shallow waters or on rivers平底船 molasses ( n.) :a thick,usually dark brown syrup produced duringhe refining of sugar,or from sorghum高粱,etc.糖蜜,糖浆 cub ( n.) :an inexperienced,awkward youth阅历浅的年轻人 cosmos ( n.) :the universe considered as a harmonious and orderly system宇宙 feud ( n.) :a bitter,long—continued,and deadly quarrel,esp. between clans of families(尤指部落或家族间的)世仇,累世宿仇,夙怨,长期不和 lynch (v.) :[Am.] murder(an accused person) by mob action and without lawful trial,as by hanging[美]私刑处死 20.phonographic [,fon?gr?f?k] ( adj.) :[Am] of a phonograph or the sounds made by sb. [美]留声机的,唱机的 teem ( v.) :be full,as though ready to bring forth young;abound;swarm充满;富于;大量地出现;涌现 flotsa


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