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有形贸易 visible trade 无形贸易 invisible trade 大额存单 certificate of deposit 证券投资 portfolio investment 管理合同 management contract 价值链 value chain 承保生产 contract manufacturing 交钥匙工程 turnkey project barriers 国民收入 national income 人均收入 per capita income 基础设施 infra structure 独立国家联合体commonwealth of independent 收入分布 income distribution 债权国 creditor country 经济一体化 economic integration 自由贸易区 free trade area 关税税率 tariff rates 关税同盟custom union 关税联盟 customs union 共同市场 common market 技术进步 technology improvement 加工贸易 processing trade 自然资源 natural resources 清算系统 clearing system 初级产品 primary commodities 实际头寸 net positions 国际商务英语 贸易信贷往来 trade credit account 双重保障 double assurance 反向购买 counter purchase 面值 face value 期权 options 增值税 VAT (Value added tax) 回购交易 buyback 即期信用证 sight credit 租赁贸易 leasing trade 远期信用证 usance credit 财务状况 financial standing 可转让信用证 transferable credit 资信可靠情况 credit worthiness 不可转让信用证 non-transferable credit 分阶段付款 periodic payment 无汇票信用证 non-draft credit 预付现金 cash in advance 循环信用证 revolving credit 汇票 draft/bill of exchange 推迟付款 deferred payment 远期汇票 usance draft 唛头 shipping marks 跟单汇票 documentary draft 被通知人 notify party 货物所有权 title to goods 货运收据 cargo receipt 保险单 insurance policy 发运港 port of shipment 跟单托收 documentary collection 海关发票 custom invoice 付款交单 document against payment 领事发票 consular invoice 承兑交单 document against acceptance 装船通知 shipping advice 光票 clean draft 产品自然领域 natural product provinces 开证银行 opening bank 公共承运人 common carrier 往来行 correspondence bank 契约承运人 contract carrier 通知行 advising bank 自有承运人 private carrier 保兑行 confirming bank 中间产品 intermediate product 分批装运 partial shipment 制成品 finished products 保兑信用证 confirmed letter of credit 最大诚信原则 utmost good faith 价格条款 price term 货物原产地港口 port of origin 光票信用证 clean credit 交货费用 forwarding charges 非贸易结算non-trade settlement 金本位制 gold standard 可撤销信用证 revocable credit 平价 par value 不可撤销信用证 irrevocable credit 直接标价 direct quote 大萧条 great depression 间接标价 indirect quote 储备货币 reversed currency 特别提款


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