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基于单片机的室温控制 系统的设计 作者姓名: 专业名称: 指导教师 摘要 在日常生活、工业生产和实验室中,室内温度控制的应用随处可见。室内温度控制是所有温度控制系统中的最基础的控制,在此基础上可以形成温度不变的恒温箱等等。本论文设计的室内温度控制是在单片机的基础上进行的。DS1624将室内温度检测后传到AT89S52单片机内,与设定值进行比较,单片机对数据进行处理,然后根据处理结果,改变特定I/O口的电平,来控制热电制冷片是加热还是制冷,从而达到室内温度控制的目的。本论文既可以对当前设定温度进行实时显示又可以对温度进行控制,以达到用户需要的温度,并且在没有新温度设定时保持已定值不变。人性化的键盘设计使设置温度简单快速,两位整数两位小数的显示方式具有更高的显示精度。而且还设定了温度的上下限,系统只执行允许范围内的温度变化,系统整体误差小于0.1°C。 关键词:单片机 热电制冷 DS1624 按键输入 数码显示 Abstract In our daily life and industrial production and laboratory ,application of Room temperature control can be seen everywhere.At the same time ,it is the basis of all temperature control system and this basis, can be set to electric incubators and so on. In this paper the design of a microcontroller-based Room temperature control. Room temperature will be detected after DS1624 in single-chip AT89S52 reached with a given value of comparison, single-chip data processing, and then according to processing results and change the specific I/O port level, to control the thermoelectric cooling system is heating or cooling, to achieve the objective of indoor temperature control. In this paper, the temperature can not only be carried out on the current real-time display but also be controlled so that the user needs to reach temperature, and make it a constant in this temperature without new setting. Humanized design keyboard easy and quick to set the temperature, the two decimal and integers, a display shows a higher accuracy. But also set the temperature of the upper and lower limits,the system only allows the implementation of the temperature change within and the system overall error is less than 0.1°C. Keywords:MCU,thermoelectric refrigeration,DS1624,keystorke, digital display 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 目录 III 前言 1 1 绪论 2 1.1 选题的目的和意义 2 1.2 温度控制的国内外发展概况 2 1.2.1 温度控制的国内发展概况 2 1.2.2 温度控制的国外发展概况 3 1.3几种常见温度控制系统 3 2 系统方案论证 5 2.1 主控制器选择 5 2.2 温度采集系统的选择 5 2.3 热电制冷系统的选择 7 2.4 按键系统的选择 7 2.5 显示器的选择 8 2.6 警告及提示系统选择 8 2.7 风扇电机选择 9 3 系统硬件电路设计 10


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