大连东软信息学院大一上 电子工程 c语言-实验_第三次,第六周.doc

大连东软信息学院大一上 电子工程 c语言-实验_第三次,第六周.doc

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Lab 3 Conditions OBJECTIVES After completing this experiment, you will be able to: Use expressions and conditional operators Use logic operators Use if structure and if-else structure Use switch structure PROCEDURES PART 1 Understanding the difference between character and interger(include Decimal, Octal and Hexdecimal). /* Write down the display result through reading program, then verify by run this program. */ 1. #include stdio.h void main() { char ch=0x31; printf(%d\n,ch); /* ____49_______*/ printf(%o\n,ch); /* _____61_______*/ printf(%x\n,ch) /* _____31_______*/ printf(%c\n,ch); /* _____1_______*/ } 2. #include stdio.h void main() { int ch = 65; printf(%d\n,ch); /* _____65______*/ printf(%o\n,ch); /* ______101______*/ printf(%x\n,ch) /* _______41_____*/ printf(%c\n,ch); /* ________A____*/ } Summarize the features of character and integer in your words. 棗棗棗棗棗棗棗棗棗 PART 2 If Structure. This prf(%x\n,ogram implement the following function: find out which one is biggest among a,b and c. Please upplement the blank with a or b or c. A. if(ab ac) max=___a_____ else if(bc) max=____b____ else max=___c_____ B. if (ab) if(ac) max=____a__ else max=__c____ else if(bc) max=___b_____ else max=___c______ Please input the value of a,b,and c through keyboard ,output the maxvalue .Supplement the two parts of program as a whole C program,then compile and run it in Turboc . PART 3 Switch Structure Read the program as follows,and give the result according to different input value: #include stdio.h main() { int x; printf(“please input the x value:”); scanf(“%d”,x); switch(x/10) { case 6: case 7: printf(Pass\n); break; case 8: printf(Goo


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