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为何市场倾向于FOB目的港定价 Why do marketers tend to prefer FOB destination pricing rather than FOB origin pricing? There are several reasons why marketers like FOB destination pricing. First, it enables a company to expand the geographic area to which its product is sold because distant customers in a region do not pay the full costs of transportation. Second, because each buyer has the same landed cost, it is easier for a company to apply a uniform retail price on a regional or national basis. Third, because the seller controls the logistics network, it can function in a manner that is most beneficial to the seller’s overall objectives. 为何市场倾向于FOB目的港定价 为什么营销人员倾向于更喜欢目的地定价而原产地定价? 首先,它使一个公司能够扩大其产品的地理区域,因为远距离客户不支付运输的全部费用。其次,因为每个买家都有相同的落地成本,对某区域而言更容易为公司申请一个统一的零售价。第三,因为卖方控制的物流网络,它可以以一个最有利的方式,实现卖方的总体目标。 《2010国际贸易术语解释通则》 抵岸成本指的是( ) A通过水陆运输发运的产品 B货到付款的产品 C预付费的装运 D 既包括产品成本又包括运输成本 Landed costs refer to: a product that is shipped via surface transport a product that is quoted cost on delivery (COD) a prepaid shipment a price that includes both the cost of the product plus transportation to the buyer (d; p. 15) ___________是由住在装运点附近的顾客支付超额运费。 A运费吸收 B包括运费的价格 C在售价上加计的假设运费 D抵岸价格 ___________ is the excess freight bill paid by customers who live near the shipping point. freight absorption运费吸收 delivered price包括运费的价格 phantom freight在售价上加计的假设运费 landed price卸岸价格 (c; p. 15) 在FOB装运港定价中,下面哪一个是错误的() A报价不包括到收货人的运输 B市场采用全国统一价格 C收货人必须为采购的产品运输安排 D卖方从每一笔销售中总接受相同的净利润 In FOB origin pricing, all of the following are true except: prices quoted报价 do not include transportation to the consignee收货人 marketers can adopt uniform prices on a regional or national basis consignees must arrange for the transportation of the purchased product the seller always receives the same net from each sale (b; p. 15) ___________ 指的是在装运时支付费用给承运人。 A 运费预付 B 运费吸收 C 虚假运费 D FOB船上交货(离岸价格) origin (a; p. 16) ___________ refers to a situation where the applicable charges are paid at the time a shipment is tendered to a c


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