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题 目: 小学英语课堂教学中制定教学目标的策略chool’s English Teaching 目 录 前言———————————————————————————————4 一、改变主体意识,预设教学目标——————————————————4 (一)改变教师的主体意识,减少教师对教学目标决策影响——————4 1、弱化教师课堂中的主体影响,强化学生的主体意识——————— 4 2、以学生的学力水平为依据来制定教学目标——————————— 5 (二)突出学生的主体意识,实现教学目标的双向互动--------------—5 二、细化课程要求,明确教学目标——————————————————5 (一) 重建课堂教学价值观 ———————————————————5 (二)根据学情水平,细化课程要求————————————————6 (三)依据课程目标,明确教学目标————————————————6 三、目标层次预设,允许学生差异——————————————————7 (一)分析学生的差异——————————————————————8 (二)考虑目标与结果间的差异——————————————————9 四、关注学生成长,促进动态生成——————————————————10 (一)研究学生的前在——————————————————————10 (二)研究学生地潜在——————————————————————11 (三)研究学生地发展需要————————————————————11 参考文献 -----------------------------------------------———— 13 小学英语课堂教学中制定教学目标的策略 【摘要】 【】【Abstract】The key to the success of English teaching in primary school is the foundation of reasonable and effective teaching objectives which must correspond to students’ actual needs. Meanwhile, teaching objectives are the key points of teaching designs and the ultimate goal of all kinds of teaching activities. As is mentioned in New Curriculum Standards, the objectives of subdisciplines should focus on the integration of knowledge skills, process methods and emotion, attitude value. Its essential is to promote students’ integrated and continuous development. Teaching objectives are the main points of the construction of quality-oriented education, which requires that teachers know the teaching contents well, pinpoint the syllabus, achieve the teaching objectives and meanwhile teach students according to their aptitude through hierarchical teaching in order to implement the teaching objectives. I try to make the research about making teaching objectives in Primary School’s English Teaching from the following aspects: change the subject consciousness and preconceive teaching objectives; make teaching request more detailed and teaching objectives more certain; preconceive objectives’ hierarchy and allow students’ different


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