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湖北民族学院外国语学院 学士学位论文开题报告登记表 论文题目:The Translation of Automobile Brand-names from the Perspective of the Principle of Equivalence 学号(编号): ___ ____________________________ 姓 名:_______ ___________________________ 专 业:_______ ___________________________ 指导老师:__________________________________ 说明:1. 开题报告需事先提交给出席报告会的各位专家; 2. 开题报告两次未获得通过的学生将进行分流。 3. 开题报告书获得通过后,须提交一份给院系所教学秘书存档。 开题报告时间: 2012 年9 月23日 开题报告主要内容 本选题国内外研究的现状 美国著名的翻译理论家Eugene A·Nida的“功能对等(functional?equivalence)”或“动态对等(dynamic? equivalence)”在现代翻译理论中 ,等效原则为越来越多的翻译者所知晓、接受和运用。在等效原则下对原文的表达形式 ,从不同的切入点 ,作适当调整 ,使译文提供给接受者的信息与原文的接受者所接受的信息等效或基本等效 本选题的意义、重点、难点及创新点 本选题的意义:根据奈达的等效原则品牌译语中的信息接受者对品牌译文信息的反应应该与品牌源语接受者对商标原文的反应程度基本相同。翻译时应遵循的四条原则音译法、直译法、意译法、音意结合法,以达到理想效果。汽车品牌名称的翻译是一种跨文化交际形式, 也涉及到语言规律、文化心理、审美情趣等方面的因素论文的建构(章节目录)及简章说明 Introduction 1.1 Introduction of Automobile Brand-name 1.2 A Simple Introduction of Brand 1.3 The Origination of Automobile Brand Names 1.4 Characteristics of Automobile Brand Names 2. A Brief Introduction to the Principle of Equivalence 2.1 The Content and Development of the Principle of Equivalence 2.2 The Influence of the Principle of Equivalence to Translation 2.3 The Significance of the Principle of Equivalence to the Translation of Automobile Brand Names 3 The Translation of Automobile Brand Names Under the Principle of Equivalence 3.1The Translation Principle of Automobile Brand Name 3.1.1 Information Equivalence 3.1.2 Function Equivalence 3.1.3 Words Equivalence 3.1.4 Culture Equivalence 3.2 The Translation Strategies of Automobile Brand Names Guiding by the Principle of Equivalence 3.2.1 Transliteration 3.2.2 Literal Translation 3.2.3 Free Translation 3.2.4 Transliteration Combined with Literal Translation 4Conclusion All in all, if the translator wants to successfully convert these automobile brand names that own unique ethnic cultural connotation into the target language of which the lexical meaning and cultural significance are as equivalent as possible, they mus


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