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科类 理工科 编号(学号) 本科生毕业论文(设计) Effect of Transport Stress on Pork Quality 运输应激对猪肉品质的影响 摘 要 择活重相近品种相同的猪在宰后不同时间测定如温度、pH 值第天肉和正常肉的在随后的成熟中,,至第7天时最大。宰后24h,猪肉的pH值与相关性不肉和正常肉p>0.05~(p<0.05)~p>0.05)~(p<0.05)~p>0.05)关键词:;;肉色;;;;; Effect of ransport Stress on Pork Quality ABSTRACT This article Optional live weight similar varieties of the same local farms (DLY, Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire) by taking ante-mortem transport stressed pigs Longissimus muscle longissimus muscle and non-transport stress pork quality comparison. Different times post-mortem meat changes the physical and chemical indicators, determination of cause (such as temperature, pH, etc.). The results showed: 1h to 24h post-mortem days stress group meat and meat pH and temperature of the normal group continued to decrease, and the subsequent maturation process, a slight rebound to 7 Telsda. 1h and 24 h post-mortem, the pH value and the temperature and stress of pork negative correlation, the correlation was not significant. Stress group in the post-mortem meat and normal group, flesh-colored, L * between 32.021-41.470 a * distribution between 2.640-8.882, b * distribution between 0.820-4.266.(P 0.05), the difference was not significant. Normal group and stress group shear force value of 24h to 5d (p 0.05) shear force decreased significantly, the 5D to 7d (p0.05) shear force fluctuations is not obvious. The normal 24h to 5d (p0.05) shear force decreased significantly, 5d to 7d (P0.05) shear force fluctuations is not obvious. Key words:Transport stress;pork quality;tenderness;shear force;flesh color;ph;temperature 运输应激对猪肉品质的影响 1 引言 运输应激是应激的一部分。随着全球物流进程加速和中国加入WTO后区域一体化,运输应激对动物的影响日益加剧,运输应激导致猪肉品质大幅度降低已成为现代养殖业面临的一个重要问题。人们对应激的研究起源于人类对疾病的探索。20世纪初,Cannon


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