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摘要 采矿工业是我国的基础工业,它在整个国民经济中占有重要的地位,煤炭是我国能源的主题。我国煤炭开采以地下开采为主,其产量占煤炭的总产量的95%。而地下作业首先面临的是通风问题,在矿井生产过程中要有源源不断的新鲜空气送到井下各个作业地点,以供人员呼吸,以稀释和排除井下各种有毒有害气体和矿尘,创造良好的矿内环境,保障井下作业人员的身体健康和劳动安全。向井下供应新鲜空气和良好的供风系统是分不开的,所以在新建的过程中一定要设计优良的通风系统,这样不仅可以满足井下供风的要求,还能很好的节约矿井通风的费用。 本文是针对新矿井的建设,提出了行之有效的通风系统,采用两翼对角式的通风方式,在采区采用轨道上山进新风,运输上山回污风的通风方法,并起在工作面采用上行通风。分别计算了通风容易时期和通风困难时期的风量和风压,并以此为基础选用了矿井主要通风机和电机,设计的通风系统满足了矿井通风的要求。 Abstract Mining is the fundamental industry of our country, which in the entire national economy occupies an important position, coal is our countrys energy theme. Chinese coal mining is underground mining, its crop occupies the 95% of total output of coal. The underground work face the first problem is ventilation, in mine production process need everfount fresh air to the various underground sites, for personnel to breathe, to dilution and remove underground toxic harmful gas and dust, to create a good internal environment, ensure the staff working in the health and labor safety.It’s undived to accommodate the fresh air and good air supply system ,so we must design excellent ventilation system in the new process, which can not only satisfy the wind supply requirements, and also a save the cost of mine ventilation. This paper is aimed at the new mine construction, put forward effective ventilation system, using two diagonal ventilation mode in mining area, using the rail hill into the fresh air, the polluted air transport back to the ventilation methods, and in the face of upward ventilation. Calculated the ventilation period of easy and difficult ventilation period of air volume and pressure, and as a basis for selection of the mine main fan and motor, design of the ventilation system to meet the requirements of mine ventilation. 第一章、局部通风设计 1.1设计原则及掘进通风方法的选择 ㈠、设计原则 根据开拓、开采巷道布置、掘进区域煤岩层的自然条件以及掘进工艺,确定合理的局部通风方法及其布置方式,选择风筒类型和直径,计算风筒出入口风量,计算风筒通风阻力,选择局部通风机。 局部通风是矿井通风系统的一个重要组成部分,其新风取自矿井主风流,其污风又排入矿井主风流。其设计原则可归纳如下: (1)矿井和采区通风系统设计应为局部通风创造条件; (2)局部通风系统要安全可靠、经济合理和技术先进; (3)尽量采用技术先进的低噪、高效


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