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e 题 目 升降旋转式车库PLC控制系统设计 学生姓名 e 学号 e 所在学院 机械工程学院 专业班级 e 指导教师 e 完成地点 校内 2009 年 5 月 30 日 升降旋转式车库PLC控制系统设计 姓名:e (e) 指导教师:e [摘要]:静态交通问题是我国大中城市规划和建设中一个需要迫切需要解决的问题。立体车库的提出和投入使用,大大地缓解了这个城市问题。但鉴于现有的立体车库大多是机械式的,没有实现机电一体化,导致立体车库的使用率很低。本文介绍了自动化立体车库的主要类型和基本特点,着重以升降旋转式自动化立体车库结构、容量和安全问题以及PLC技术在立体车库中的运用,按动按钮即可完成汽车存取过程,操作简单,存取方便。控制电路部分采用交流接触器传统方式,使运行安全可靠。 [关键词]:立体车库; 升降旋转式; PLC Design of lifting rotary stereo garage control system of PLC Student: e e Tutor: e [Abstract]: The static transportation question is the question which in our country big or media-sized cities plan and the construction a need urgent needs to solve. Three-dimensional garages statement and is operational, alleviated this urban question greatly. But in view of the fact that the existing three-dimensional garage mostly is the mechanical type, has not realized the integration of machinery, causes the three-dimensional garage the utilization ratio to be very low.This article introduced the automated three-dimensional garages predominant type and the essential feature, promote the rotary system automation three-dimensional garage structure, the capacity and the security problem as well as the PLC technology emphatically in the three-dimensional garage utilization.The control circuit part selects the exchange contact device tradition method, causes the movement safe reliable. [Key word]:three-dimensional; garage promotion rotary; PLC 目录 引言 1 1.立体车库概述 2 1.1立体车库发展趋势 2 1.2升降旋转立体车库的优点 3 1.3本文的主要研究目标和研究内容 3 1.3.1研究目标 3 1.3.2研究内容 4 2.单臂旋转垂直升降式立体车库机械部分设计 5 2.1 单臂旋转垂直升降式立体车库的工作原理 5 2.2单臂旋转垂直升降式立体车库的主要组成部分 5 2.2.1结构框架


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