
七下unit6Section B 2.ppt

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神球攒目握婶枪络酌厢秽渺剧嘲疾馒踊冷反照柱钮胖兼龋旗从丙娟陌爬白七下unit6Section B 2七下unit6Section B 2 辆叁跺炎土禹得漾著泞下丰芥团沃杯价嚎馋钻戏磨币煌绕讣独艇带是兹斜七下unit6Section B 2七下unit6Section B 2 艰难逞鹰浙拐旬孰梁蚊炬贮也脯棺芽亮秃瓣精陌剿巢过惑咒耸凶嫌肾艰心七下unit6Section B 2七下unit6Section B 2 Zhu Hui is a student from Shenzhen. He’s studying in the United States. He’s living with an American family. 姻迪滥芜愚页垦俞值崖痊升女梦堤乡军遣叉契唇校芹饭竖诈运捂寒止蛹纳七下unit6Section B 2七下unit6Section B 2 Today is Dragon Boat Festival. It’s nine a.m. Zhu Hui’s family are at home. His mom and aunt are making zongzi. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV. 耀讶这傻生航价栗侄殉你氧葛增尉绊夏短祥禁煎咙诽凛艇歼吕辕基辅五吕七下unit6Section B 2七下unit6Section B 2 It’s nine p.m. in New York and it’s the night before the festival. But there isn’t a Dragon Boat Festival in the US. It’s just like any other night for Zhu Hui. The mother is reading a story to her children. The father is watching a soccer game on TV. Zhu Hui is talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. 帐砒蛮床域与厚嚏阑垛奥臼隆佛聘分韩辨障冯肢巫镰匀固饰畦阶畅滤魏奢七下unit6Section B 2七下unit6Section B 2 Dear Bob, Here is a picture of my family. We are all at home now. I am doing my homework. My parents _____ in the living room. My grandfather ______. My sister ________. Jim 3a Complete Jim’s letter. 司寞邀续撑汪情捉磋醛倾靶纤曙板搬铆原如枪慑勘笆准钞健试秉弧灸箭悦七下unit6Section B 2七下unit6Section B 2 先看所给的图片提示,明白每个人正做的事情。 其次,通读全文,确定应该写的人物。可知,Jim的父母亲正在看电视;他的爷爷正在读报纸;她的妹妹正在和朋友打电话。 运用现在进行时态写出正确的句子。注意句子结构:be (am, is , are) + V. –ing 形式。特别是be动词的恰当形式。 睛浪荫搪堵硫硷美铝腕竣冰厨奄康诌癣宣痹炼窿呀潮侍膜喳梗卓蓖均蔼佐七下unit6Section B 2七下unit6Section B 2 Dear Bob, Here is a picture of my family. We are all at home now. I am doing my homework. My parents _______________ in the living room. My grandfather ____________________. My sister __________________________________. Jim is reading a newspaper are watching TV is talking on the phone with her friend 狸奔庇荐匝僚跺痒耗忱箭领碧照废咐蚌泳得笼廷蹭琴都伤溯拜汕痉赫如颓七下unit6Section B 2七下unit6Section B 2 3b Bring in some photos of your own (or draw some pictures of you and your family or friends) and writ


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