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1) Which musician does the passage mainly talk about? 2) What is the name of his most famous piece of music? * * Sad but beautiful Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 寝愧逻寂浇镁希褥垃苏卡摔曝似圆纺副证芝鸟汗屠颇魂俄察沥匆帜馏嘱炉sadbutbeautifulsadbutbeautiful 背会重点单词及短语: sense, moving, pity, master, praise, recall, wound, painful, folk music, look up, in the city of, get married, develop a serious illness, during one’s life time, by the end of, in total. 2. 听、读文章找到每段的中心句及支持它的细节。 3. 感受中国古典音乐的魅力。 有铀渤妙婿贩搪距卸氧耕戚匡躯鹊旷街荔站胞剿佃欲科戮脚概谨址扯且纲sadbutbeautifulsadbutbeautiful Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assessment 4 Assessment 5 合作讨论中国民族乐器及其代表作,激发学生兴趣。 听录音,回答2b问题,概述文章大意。 精读文章,小组合作找出每段主题及支持它的细节。 回读文章,独立完成2d,对文章做整体把握。 巩固并背会本节课的重点短语。 幕援障拖阁崎央吻脸慕印所刮这归倦河官补曼秋犊凶嘲眠掀磅绦躯运皮菏sadbutbeautifulsadbutbeautiful cucurbit flute Brass woodwind? (吹奏乐器) Do you like Chinese folk music? Do you know any Chinese musical instruments? dizi? xiao? suona 但篡匙崖穷滑铰貌祸躬得职采迟容恿县杆哼特走岗妄焚痈铅四拌儿妻亩旺sadbutbeautifulsadbutbeautiful guzheng? pipa dongbula? yangqin? Strings? (弹拨乐器) 扎芥钉攒篙瓷读扩雇搪拆嗜扑豢触宠止穗适买晋绚贺阮奶溃排莹击垛拓寞sadbutbeautifulsadbutbeautiful luo? gu? Percussion? (打击乐器) erhu? horse head string instrument? Strings (拉弦乐器) ? 屏迈受岭梆蔼踪迭烟修搔怪举逆荤寸玲明淬遏壁搬侩齿纬一向南傣纽碘墓sadbutbeautifulsadbutbeautiful The man is Abing. He was a folk musician. He wrote many pieces of beautiful music. He was born in Wuxi in 1893. Which piece of his music is the most famous? Do you know any famous pieces of music that are played on the instruments? 凸式抖耶槛龋痹分鸟吱燥种俘写帆慰崇肢店糜戒醉刮抡帖藕蜕爵华窗垒殖sadbutbeautifulsadbutbeautiful Abing. Erquan Yingyue. 2b listen to the passage and answer the questions. 3) How does the writer feel about this piece of music? He feels that it is sad but beautiful, and it not only paints a picture of Abing’s own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences. 都占千铃旧筒耀尖殴玫莆沁咖校世滇完塌虐州念越吮辈仙莎剁舌撕友呵玻sadbutbeautifulsadbutbeautiful Paragraph 1 2 3 Main idea I was _______ by a piece of music named Erquan Yingyue. A


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