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   滨海路东起海之韵广场,西至星海广场。从海之韵广场经棒槌岛至老虎滩景区被习惯性称为东段或北段;从老虎滩经傅家庄、森林动物园至星海广场被称为西段或南段。 Binhai Road starts from Ocean Melody滨海路的景色以山海相融为主要基调。滨海路修于70年代,滨海路以前是一条军事专用道,在邓小平同志的提议下开发为旅游路线。现在滨海路上几乎全段不通公交车,因为大部分路段位于无居民区,但重要景点有多路车可乘坐。春、秋凉爽的季节建议步行一部分例如星海广场至金沙滩浴场,心情会很不一样。如有多人骑的自行车助兴会更惬意。考虑到公交安全的原因,自带的自行车有时也不允许从星海广场上滨海路,这时可选取从傅家庄或其它入口上路,这是美景的方式。 Binhai Road scenery is mainly mountains and sea. It was constructed in 1970th. It was a road especially used for military before. Proposed by Deng Xiaoping, this road was developed to a tourist line. Now the whole road does not have public bus, because by most of the road, there are no people living there. However, at the important scenic spot, there are many buses you can take. In the cool spring and autumn season, it is best to go by walking. Sometimes, bicycle riding is not allowed considering the public security. You can choose the other route to ride such as Fujia Village. This is the best way to enjoy the beautiful scenery. 滨海路上的雕塑栩栩如生,让人感觉是真的,其实一点不假,这些美妙的海生物都是以实体为模子做出来的,所以会跟真的一丝不差。 because they are made by the actual mould. 滨海路全长32公里,贯穿12个主要景点,每当春暖花开的季节,驱车行驶在这条公路上,一边是长满针阔叶混交林的山峦和盛开着火红杜鹃的山麓,一边是烟波浩淼的大海和千姿百态的礁石岛屿,沿途奇景叠出,美不胜收。滨海路南段是从虎滩乐园开始到傅家庄公园结束,这一路段是滨海路中最为知名、来访人数最多的一段。沿途的景区依次为“北大桥”、“燕窝岭”、“秀月蜂”等。 the spring comes and flower blossoms, the road one side is mountain covered with mixed coniferous broad leaved forest and rhododendron neriiflorum, another side is wide sea and different poses rock islands. The Binhai Road south part is from Tiger Beach to Fujia Village, this part is the most famous and popular of Binghai Road. During this part, there are Beida Bridge(Lover Bridge), Bird’s Nest Ridge, Xiuyue Peak, etc. Lover Bridge 北大桥位于大连海滨风景区中的老虎滩景区与燕窝岭景区之间,是一座近诲临山横跨山谷的旱桥。它是老虎滩景区西部和邻近的燕窝岭景区中一壮观秀丽的风景点。该桥全长230米,中跨跨径132米,桥宽12米,其中车行道宽为8米。主索失高13.2米 Beida Bridge Beida Bridge is located between Tiger Beach scenery and Bird’s Nest Ridge. This bridge is near the sea and stretches across the mountain. It is the most beautiful scenery during this


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