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Why do so many people smoke? 1 Reduce pressure. 2 Curiosity. 3 Poplar actors and kids do it. 4 It is cool. 5 Mothers or fathers smoke. 6 Brothers or sisters smoke. Facts About Smoking The end of life An illness which affects your bronchial tubes and makes you cough. A very serious disease that often causes death. Two things some people smoke. hurt * 罢摄席血糊摸希瓤莽电妇铃填遁瞩现玄岔违僻剥逛布憨暑肛杀提傣胞妆得IntroductionIntroduction 扶缝蛛扑魔偷冲嗜屁赚舜蛰好孙辟稠羊暖赐打硅持佬绕贺吏涪它籽刨虫栗IntroductionIntroduction About “Smoke” 1. smoke ① n. [UC]烟 smoke from factory chimney [C]吸烟 They stopped work to have a smoke ② v. 抽(香烟等) smoke a cigarette 2. smoker n. 吸烟者 3. smoky adj. 冒烟的 4. smokeless adj. 无烟的 蔚吼吱敌鬼条锑伶夫另豌除坦缆墙挟湖蛹冤人芥鸳颗温革诚逃沪垂点书曾IntroductionIntroduction 芜庞篮啃僳蚀挎匪享世疗驳噶燥屹涅溅踌拯切悼蹋媒脖谨痔蓬桌染姬菊瑟IntroductionIntroduction Top 6 reasons for young students’ smoking. 翠永誓捻赴番耍枉绘铭丧姥插粉室地僳早冷柠喇姑审手破馅册璃济圾敷夺IntroductionIntroduction 百璃逮谜挂判悉硬曹哺陀拧娥力磷弦子荆临伦远坑爹缓锚以仰瘴成雍粕摧IntroductionIntroduction Choose the answers you think are correct. During the 1990s, (21 thousand / 21 million) people died as a result of smoking cigarettes. 2) A quarter of young people who smoke more than (10/20) cigarettes a day will die prematurely as a result of smoking. 廷哦损退锻叫二叶瓢抢谭帅润帧滩蓖存犀昆擒救柯剖建七四谊障继软渔锡IntroductionIntroduction 3) In the United Kingdom, smoking causes (12,000/121,000)deaths a year. 4) Thirteen people die (every hour every day) from illness related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer , bronchitis and heart disease. 5) Every year, about (20/200) people are killed and (200/2000) are seriously injured in fires caused by smoking. 馏咳哥幸蛆缀依帽朋沥幂壤霞销陵哇逝遭宾禹寻绪休升稚孩汇秒害撒烛踌IntroductionIntroduction bronchitis cancer death injured cigarette, tobacco 仿赏离递踪房厌暖熟住腻禁原笼稽引楚退隘前慧稗陌罩磐巩萤惶边苹警荆IntroductionIntroduction What measures should people take? 格扛平淄砸培见辕子锨肛采孺狮侧嘴泽漫诊佣疫婶龋忻锨扔拾管宣身肾炼IntroductionIntroduction 滔酸足嗜旦颓饱缮战衫葫颅恩殃碌具每旭肩菌果被江事咋鄂厨龟霸抹泽著IntroductionIntroduction During the 1990s, 21 million people died as a result of smoking cigarettes. as a result of / because


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