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* 数据更新,说服力强的数据;概念; 天津滨海新区具备了服务区域经济的基础和能力 The TNCD now has the foundation and capability for serving the regional economy. 立足天津、依托京冀、服务环渤海、辐射“三北”、面向东北亚,努力建设成为高水平的现代制造和研发转化基地、北方国际航运中心和国际物流中 心、宜居的生态城区 。 By basing itself upon Tianjin, depending upon Beijing and Hebei Province, serving the Circum-Bohai Region, radiating its influence into the North China, Northeast China, and Northwest China, and facing the Northeast Asia, Tianjin New Coastal District is to be turned into an advanced modern manufacturing and RD transformation base, an international shipping center and logistics center in the north of China, and an eco-city with ideal setting for human existence. 滨 海 新 区 功 能 定 位 The function orientation of the TNCD 滨海新区建设成为高度开放 社会和谐 环境友好的现代化经济新区 服务区域经济振兴 To turn the TNCD into a new modernized economic zone which is highly open, socially harmonious, and environment-friendly to serve the revitalization of the regional economy. 滨海新区建设成为综合配套改革试验区 为区域改革开放积累经验 提供借鉴 To launch pilot comprehensive supporting reforms in the TNCD to accumulate experience and reference for regional reform and opening. 地区生产总值 3200 亿元 年均增长17% The GDP will reach more than 320 billion yuan 财政收入达到 500 亿元 年均增长20% The fiscal revenue will reach more than 50 billion yuan 城市化水平达到 90% An urbanization level will increase to 90% “十一五”期间发展目标 The TNCD’s development goal 高新技术产业产值 占新区工业比重 单位生产总值能 源消耗比“十五”末 达到50%以上 下降20%以上 A ratio of over 50% of the hi-tech industrial output value in the total industrial output value A decrease of over 20% in the energy consumption per unit GDP over the end of the Tenth Five-Year Plan period “十一五”期间发展目标 The TNCD’s development goal 生态环境保护良好 可持续发展能力不断增强 整体功能明显提升 社会事业全面发展 构建和谐城区取得新进展 Good protection of the eco-environment, increasingly steadier sustainable development, notable improvement of the overall function, all-around development of social undertakings, and new progress in constructing a harmonious city. “十一五”期间发展目标 The TNCD ’s development goal


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