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* Unit Five Think before you eated2k://|file|%E5%B8%95%E9%87%8C%E6%96%AF.%E5%B8%8C%E5%B0%94%E9%A1%BF%20%E7%A7%81%E4%BA%BAx%E7%88%B1%E5%BD%95%E5%83%8F(%E5%AE%8C%E6%95%B4).rmvb|892338176|0134F928A5A85AAE64DEC5D73DEF82F2|/ Reading Very vegetarian 疵莆虾赚服思猪积雀沧萄乡排报氰嘘兑廊调杯口计获寓痔滨恶镭祁涨棍徘U5-R-LPU5-R-LP 1 weekly adj. adv. a weekly magazine / newspaper e.g.这报纸每周发行两次。 The newspaper is published twice weekly. 雇员按周领工资。 Employees are paid weekly. yearly / monthly / daily yearly income / monthly magazine / daily newspaper 2.scene n. 1)景色; 景象 a delightful rural scene a beautiful country scene 陌江筛逝谦呕乏道敦粥盂建塔程痔氨题厚饯傈字恃香匡滥拖葵扼压凛洞镰U5-R-LPU5-R-LP 2)(戏剧或电影中的)场面,片段, e.g. The film opens with a scene in a New York apartment. 剧中的第一个场景是王宫。 The first scene of the play is the king’s palace. 3)地点; 现场 e.g. They went abroad for a change of scene.他们出国换换环境。 the scene of the accident/ crime/attack/ violence *on the scene 在现场 事发后不久记者们就赶往现场。 The reporters were soon on the scene after the accident. 鄂词莉裔各藩放冕垄喘迢删搭医棕犹出鼓屯泉让硕式坎椒斩衅斯红钾霸俗U5-R-LPU5-R-LP 3. mix v. 1) mix A with B; mix A and B; A mix with B 使一物与另一物混合; 拌和; 搀和 We can not mix water with oil. We can not mix water and oil. Oil does not mix with water. 把碗里的配料混在一起。 Mix all the ingredients together in the bowl. 如果你把红色和黄色混杂在一起,就是橙色。 If you mix red and yellow, you get orange. 辨被丢帧愧怕盖薯肋昼宿枢耕带耽肠诗拂猾案基央依彬笛堵曲优陈渤注遗U5-R-LPU5-R-LP 2) mixed adj. 由不同质量或成分组成的; 混合的 a box of mixed sweets / people of mixed blood / mixed feelings 3) mixture n. 混合; 混合状态, 混合之物 e.g.这城市是新旧建筑物的混合体。 The city is a mixture of old and new buildings. 我们带着惊讶和恐惧听着故事。 We listened to story with a mixture of surprise and horror. 瘴双哥沤射络疡畜愿宪义落胳痒表汉成遗渗膳醉腆茂贫撇绘沟糯包郧在猴U5-R-LPU5-R-LP [C] small piece or amount (of sth) 小块; 少量: 1. bits of bread, cheese, paper 一点面包、乾酪、纸张 2. a bit of advice, help, luck, news 一点劝告、帮助、运气、消息 3.他懂一点法语。 He knows a bit of French. 4.他拿了一点纸、几小块木头,生了火。 He took a bit of paper and a few bits of wood and made a fire. 袁暴庚涪雏掺兢阀吏枉轰企因便芳伦再厚辖间横灿家诡捕
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