
Chapter Eight Language in Use 2.ppt

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Chinas Youth Day 五四青年节 是为纪念1919年5月4日爆发的五四运动而设立的。中国各地都要举行丰富多采的纪念活动,许多地方还举行成人仪式。 Im so young that everything sad or happy seems very impressive to me. A gentle touch could be a big deal. Getting angry is punishing oneself for mistakes of others. Forgive others, and relieve yourself. Chapter 8 Language in Use 1. Speech Act Theory 言语行为理论 Proposed by John Austin How to do things with words Speech Act Theory Performatives constatives To say something is to do something. 2. Illocutionary Act Theory 1.2 Illocutionary [,il?ukju:??n?ri] Act Theory 行事行为理论 In what sense to say something is to do something. 在什么意义上说话就是做事。 Speech acts can be analyzed on 3 levels 1. The act of saying something in the full sense of “say”. Locutionary Act [l?u‘kju:??n?ri] (发话行为) 为了叙述某事而说出话语,称为“言之发”. 2. An illocutionary act 行事行为: an act performed in saying something. In saying X, I was doing Y. In saying “Morning!”, I was offering a greeting. In saying “I will come tomorrow”, I was making a promise. It has the force of doing sth. Illocutionary force行事语力 Illocutionary force行事语力 is equivalent to speaker’s meaning, contextual meaning, or extra meaning (言外之意). 在说出话语时不仅叙述某件事,而且做出了某件事,称“示言外之力”. 3. A perlocutionary act: the effects on the hearer.取效行为,成事行为 By saying X and doing Y, I did Z. By saying “Morning!” and offering a greeting, which will have effects on the hear. By saying “I will come tomorrow” I was making a promise. And I reassure my friends. (It depends.) 说出话语后,在听话人身上产生了某种效果.“收言后之果”. Try to analyze the following utterances. Shoot him! It seems that the computer is out of work. The focus of Speech Act Theory The locutionary act is what linguists have been studying all along. The perlocutionary act involves many psychological and social factors, of which we are still more or less in the dark. So the illocutionary act is what Austin really driving at. In this sense, speech act theory is in fact a theory of the illocutionary act. 2. Con



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