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第三讲 英文科技论文写作 一、段落(Paragraph) 每篇文章一般都是由数个段落构成,写好段落是写好一篇文章很关键的一步。 1. 构成(composition) 段落有短有长,短的可能只有一个句子,长的可能有十多个,以至几十个句子。但不论长短,其中心意思必须表达清楚。 就一般情况来说,每个段落都应由以下三个主要部分组成。 (1)主题句(topic sentence) 阐述段落的中心思想。在一般情况下,主题句处于段落的第一句;有时也可在段落的末尾或其它地方,甚至可以用含蓄的方式来表示。 (2)论证句(supporting sentences) 又称支持句或次要句,用来对主题句作具体阐述,主要通过列举事实、范例、原因等来阐明中心思想。 (3)结论句(concluding sentence) 用来总结要点,提出供读者思考的一些见解,同时表明段落的结束。有时某一段落也可能没有结论句。 2. 段落的两个要点(qualities) 一般说来,在写每一段落时必须注意以下两个要点: (1)一致性(unity) 一个段落应阐明一个概念,说明一个问题或其某一个方面,只叙述一件事情或其某一阶段,一切与该段落无直接关系的句子都不应该包括在其中,这样就可以突出中心思想。 (2)连贯性(coherence) 就是要求在一个段落中各个句子都应前后相衔接,同时条理要清楚,所述之事的次序要合乎逻辑,使人读起来没有杂乱无章的感觉。 另外,文章中的有关词、句、段可通过相应的转折语把全段的意思连贯起来。这些转折语可以是句子连词、并列连词或主从连词。 为便于理解,下面按十类给出: A. 表示举例(example) for example, for instance, as an illustration, to illustrate, namely, that is, for one thing, a case in point B. 表示增补意义(addition) in addition, furthermore, moreover, and, also, or, too, besides, again, what’s more, likewise C. 表示强调(emphasis) in fact, as a matter of fact, in other words, of course, certainly, above all, indeed, clearly, surely, in particular, obviously, naturally, anyway, in this case D. 表示对照(contrast) while, whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, on the contrary, in spite of, despite, but, however, although, still, yet, nevertheless, conversely, otherwise E. 表示比较(comparison) similarly, in the same way, even though, at the same time, not only… but also, like wise, meanwhile F. 表示让步(concession) although, after all, it is true (that) G. 表示原因(cause) for this reason, because of this, because, since, as, for, due to, owing to, thanks to H. 表示结果(consequence) thus, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently, so, in this way, as a result I. 表示次序(order) first, second, first of all, to begin with, at first, finally, eventually, in the end, immediately, soon, in front of, next to, opposite to, in the middle of, on the l