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宫 琴1,2,陈 曦1,刘京雷1,关 添2,彭 诚2
(1 清华大学生物医学工程系 北京 100084;2 清华大学深圳研究生院生物医学工程研究中心 深圳 518055)
摘 要:耳廓上分布着的耳穴与人体的内脏器官在形态上往往呈现”投影”的相似对应关系。当人体器官出现病症或在患病早期时,可导致与患病器官相对应的特定耳穴上呈现电阻降低等病理性阳性反应。目前存在的耳穴检测仪功能单一,缺乏对耳穴电阻值的定量测量、统计分析和对耳穴电阻值地形图的伪彩色图像的直接表征;而且,缺乏对解剖分区和神经分区内的穴位点电阻值的统计处理和穴位所对应的器官及神经功能的综合分析诊断。设计研发了新型耳穴检测系统,实现了用3种不同功能对人体耳穴阻值的定量检测;对解剖分区和神经分区的耳穴阻值分别进行统计计算和分析;另外,利用伪彩色图像的方法表征出了耳穴等阻值区间的分布图,为临床的定量、直观检测提供了方便。
中图分类号:TH776 R318 文献标识码:A 国家标准学科分类代码:310.61
Development of new type auricular point detection system
Gong Qin1,2, Chen Xi1, Liu Jinglei1, Guan Tian2, Peng Cheng2
(1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2 Research Center ofBiomedical Engineering, Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China)
Abstract:Auricular points on the auricle have projection and similarity relationships with the internal organs. When a person is sick or in the early stage of illnesses, low resistance and other abnormal appearances can be found on the auricular points that have corresponding relationships with the diseased organs. Now most auricular point detection instruments have many disadvantages, such as single detection function and lacking of quantitative auricular point resistance measurement, statistic analysis and visual display of equal resistance range using pseudo-color image. Moreover, most current detection instruments can not carry out statistic analysis of auricular point resistance in the anatomic and neural subareas. We designed a new type of auricular point detection system. The new system implements three different functions for measuring the resistance quantitatively, calculating and analyzing the resistance values in the anatomic and neural subareas statistically. In addition, it can display the auricular points with equal resistance range using pseudo-color image. The new system provides quantitative and visualized results for clinical detection.
Key words:auricular
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