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中国毒蛾属系统分类研究 (鳞翅目:毒蛾科) 摘要 毒蛾属是鳞翅目毒蛾科的模式属,其生物多样性丰富,全世界已知12亚属173种,中国已记录53种。本文对中国毒蛾属昆虫的分类进行系统研究。文中介绍世界和我国毒蛾属的分类研究概况,详细介绍了毒蛾属各虫态的形态特征、生态学及形态学意义,同时对毒蛾属在我国各大动物地理区系的分布情况做了分析,结果表明东洋界的华南区物种最为丰富。我国种类以云南省最为丰富,也是特有种最多的地区。此外,提供了相关的地理分布表。 根据已有标本和文献,系统记述了我国已知的毒蛾属6亚属53种,其中包括一个新种黄翅毒蛾Lymantria (Beatria) flavala Xu, Wu & Chen, sp. nov. 并对37个种的成虫和36个种的雄性外生殖器拍摄了图片。本文对前人记录中的不足和错误做了补充和修改,编制了分属,分亚属和分种检索表。本研究所用标本保存在中国科学院动物所标本馆和中国检验检疫科学研究院动植物检疫研究所标本馆中。 关键词:鳞翅目,毒蛾科,毒蛾属,系统学,新种,中国 Abstract Genus Lymantria Hübner, [1819] is the type genus of the Lepidoptera Lymantriidae,12subgenuses and 173species are knowed. In China 53 species are recorded. The present dissertation deals with the systematics of Genus Lymantria from China. The content include the brief history of classifications at home and abroad. The detailed information on the biology of Genus Lymantria is provided. The distribution patterns of Genus Lymantria are discussed in China. China belongs faunisticlly to two zoogeographical realm-the Palaearctic Realm and the Oriential Realm. The species from Yunnan province compose the principal part of China fauna. In the taxonomic part ,53 species in 6 subgenus from China are described. One species is described as new to science Lymantria (Beatria) flavala Xu, Wu & Chen, sp. nov., and show 37 adult images and 35 male genitalia images. Keys to the Chinese genera of the Lymantriidae ,the subgenus of genus Lymantria and species of each sbugenus are provided. Key words: Lepidoptera,Lymantriidae,Lymantria,new species,China 目录 第一章 引言 1.1研究目的和意义 1.2毒蛾属的分类研究概况 第二章毒蛾属的形态学特征 2.1成虫 2.2幼虫 第三章毒蛾属的生物学意义及经济意义 2.1生活史 3.2卵 3.3幼虫 3.4蛹 3.5成虫 3.6经济意义 第四章材料与方法 4.1材料 4.2研究方法 第五章 中国毒蛾属的分类研究 5.1独指亚属Subgenus PorthetriaSubgenus Lymantria 5.3三齿亚属Subgenus Nyctria Subgenus Spinotria 5.5长指亚属Subgenus Collentrtia黑褐亚属Subgenus Beatria 一个属,共分12个亚属Porthetria Hübner,[1819] 独指亚属、Subgenus Papuatria Schintlmeister, 2004红脉亚属、Subgenus Lymantria


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